Part 18 (light smut)

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A month had passed since Aj had returned, and everything was ok between him and Niko to say the least. He hadn't self harmed or smoked, which was good. Maybe being under practically 24 hour surveillance helped. Niko remembers the countless nights he's held Aj in his arms as he cried and begged to have a cigarette or have one more cut. Niko also remembers that he had to stop buying the singular blades, as at 3 .a.m. he found Aj curled on his bathroom floor contemplating whether or not he should cut. He really wanted to but didn't want to disappoint the man in the room next door. Luck Niko came in, just as he had the blade to his wrist, before he could make a cut or anything. What Niko forgot to check was Aj's thighs. Aj promised himself one cut maximum a day, so would cut on his thigh in the shower or when he went to 'pee'. No one would notice his thigh, he thought...

Niko was giving hints and signs to Aj that he liked him too, but was still with Alyah. Yes, she was still around, and all the boys were starting to get annoyed. She'd constantly make slight remarks at Aj when no one was listening, and would fake cry to Niko when Aj would bite back. Aj wasn't the type to let anyone talk to him like that, especially that thing. 

Niko was sure he liked Aj, but was waiting for the right time to break up with Alyah. Every time he wanted to, there seemed to be a problem. There was still that lurky feeling that he knew of Alyah before they started speaking, but he can't pinpoint his finger on it. Once he had tried to bring it up to her, but she shrugged it off a little bit too quickly. huh. 

Aj was sick and tired of being Niko's play thing. They hadn't shared a kiss like the first, and Aj was missing Niko's lips. He knew Niko could sense him following his lips as he spoke, but made no move to do anything. Aj needed a plan. Niko was soon hitting 3M on the NDL channel, and Aj would give him the time of his life. 

The 'morning' of his big plan, he manages to sneak out of Nikos grasp, which despite being asleep was tightly wrapped around him, and he checks Nikos subs. 2.95 M. Ok good, he hadn't hit 3 Million over night, that would ruin his whole plan. Aj head into his room, and begins to set up the surprise for Niko. He sets up the LEDs to the perfect shade of purple-red and a chair in the middle of the room, as he places mystery items onto his bed. He ensures the speakers are connected to his computer, so that they were loud, but not too loud that it could be heard from the outside. He would pull Niko so close into his grasp, but not let him hold on, until of course, he breaks up with Alyah. 

Once the room was all set, he goes back into Niko's room, slipping himself back  under Nikos arm. He prods at  Nikos arm, which was stiffer than he thought. Wow Niko has biceps, imagine how easy it would be for him to pick me up and fu- never mind. Now was not the time for these thoughts. Later. He pokes again,  this time into Nikos cheek watching as it goes in and out, following his finger. 

"Nikkooo, wake uppp," He sings in a whisper, "Nikkyyy, wake uppp, please."

He notices Niko give a light smile before pretending to be asleep again. So Aj does what he knows best. He starts to tickle Niko. Niko begins laughing and squirming as Ajs fingers work across his body. "I'm up Aje. AJ! IM UP!" he says between laughter. AJ finally stops, deeming this to be enough torture. He's now sat on Niko, in the same position they were in last time they kissed. Aj looks down at the brown eyes staring up at his, crinkles forming in the corners. 

"Good," Aj says giving a cheesy smile back. 

"Now, what is it you wanted, waking me up  from my beauty sleep, you rat," Niko laughs. 

"You're gonna hit 3M soon, and I have a surprise for you when you do, Now come lets go join the boys downstairs," Aj says excitedly. He was nervous but couldn't wait  to give Niko his surprise.

Niko gets up, carrying the smaller man over his shoulder down the stairs, he asked Aj what room everyone was in, before he points to the cinema room. He opens the door to see Sharky, Kenny, Chunkz and Darkest sat with balloons, party poppers and his sub count on the TV. 2.98M.

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