Part 46

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Aj follows Sharky blindly down the stairs, Chunkz hands over his eyes as they descend.

"I'm gonna fall If you don't let me see where I'm going," Aj says, not liking the secrecy.

"Calm down you big baby, one more step. Ok perfect," Sharky says. He sees Niko standing at the door to the cinema room, a flower held behind his back, fiddling nervously with his fingers, lip between his teeth. Niko had spent hours preparing this with Kenny, and he prayed AJ would hear him out, forgive him.

Chunkz removes his hands from Ajs eyes, who blinks rapidly to get used to the light. He looks around and pauses his search when he sees Niko stood nervously waiting. Aj is frozen, he can't move, so he didn't forget? Was it all a big prank. If it was he was definitely going to scrap him, then hug and kiss Niko for planning whatever he has planned.

"Huh, what- what's going on?" Aj says, confused. He was sure Niko had forgotten.

Niko takes a few steps closer to Aj, pulling the flower around holding it out to Aj. He takes a deep breath before speaking, not wanting to stutter or mess up his lines.

"Happy Anniversary, Aje." He smiles, praying Aj takes the rose. His prayers are answered as Aj holds the rose between his fingers inspecting the beautiful plant. AJ tears up at the action, feeling loved and cared for, for the first time in a while. "I got a rose cause uhm, your hay-fever. Don't want you getting sick now do we."

Aj doesn't reply he's lost for words, he's trying to pinpoint where to start, and he realises he has to make that choice quickly because Niko was waiting for a reply. With every second in silence Nikos heart sinks in more and more, feeling like maybe he couldn't fix what he's done.

"You remembered." AJ suddenly whispers, staring up at Niko. Silent tears flowed down his face, in pure content.

"Of course I remembered Aje. You mean everything to me. I- will you come inside with me, please," Niko hopes Aj will agree, he holds out his hand for Aj to take. AJ gratefully accepts it and follows Niko from the stairs to the cinema room. The other boys were stood watching from the kitchen, and when they saw the others approach the cinema room, they ran round to the games room. Kenny had filled them in on the missing details, and how they could help.

Niko pushes open the door, and Aj looks around the room. It was beautiful. There was a galaxy projector in the corner, painting the whole room in beautiful purple, pinks and blues. On the floor was a blanket carefully placed in the centre, so they could lean their backs against the sofa. Fake candles scattered the room, which really set the mood; obviously Niko didn't want to set the house on fire.

Niko closes the door as Aj takes in the scenery. He then guides Aj to the think carpet and sits beside him. AJ places the rose on the sofa behind him not wanting it to get ruined.

"I- This is for me?" Aj whispers.

"All for you, Baby, no one else." Niko replies, leaning in to kiss AJ, who happily accepts. When they pull away, Niko just stares into Aj's eyes. This man was truly beautiful. The reflection on the candle light flickered amongst his eyes, making them impossibly brighter. Niko swears he could sit here forever, just with Aj, staring at him, a sight he'd never get bored of.

"Stop staring at me you goof," Aj giggles, blushing slightly at the attention.

"Sorry, but how can I not. You're gorgeous Aje. Absolutely perfect,"

Aj smiles back at Niko. He still had a few questions on his mind, and of course Niko can read him like a book.

"What's up, Aj,"

"I- I won't be mad if you did forget Niko. I was just upset that you yelled at me when I was trying to help you."

"I- I'm really sorry Aj. I know I've been saying that a lot recently, but I really mean it. Kenny's called a guy to scan the room for any more of those drug releasers and hopefully I'll be better. And I promise I didn't technically forget. I knew today was important but the drugs had messed with my mind, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to give you our home address if you asked. I had it written in my calendar, and I was in the process of planning something big. Then all this started to happen and it was like it was wiped off my mind. I couldn't care about anything as much as I tried."

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