Part 25

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Aj woke up early the next morning, really early. His throat hurt from all the yelling and uhm, choking, that happened the night before. He reluctantly gets out of Niko's bed, hissing as he stands. Fuck, Niko had done him well. He Limps to his own room, so he can shower and change into clothes that actually fit. He strips to get in the shower, before catching a glimpse of himself in his full length mirror. He was grateful for the concealer tube he'd bought, or Niko would've caught him out. Every morning, he'd coat his scars just incase he ever had to get changed, or an incident like the night before happened. His eyes are drawn to his neck and throat, scattered with hickeys and a light hand shaped bruise forming on his neck. Niko really didn't ease out. 

He showers, before recoating a light layer of the concealer on his thighs. He was wearing a pair of his black joggers, so didn't use much. More as a safety precaution. He re-wears the hoodie Niko gave him the night before, before climbing into his own bed. It was around 7:30 .a.m. so no one would be up for a couple of hours. He checks some edits and plans out his next few videos, before he turns on Netflix, and then He falls asleep halfway through an episode...

Niko wakes up not finding Aj beside him. He didn't need to open his eyes to know, he felt the unfamiliar coolness beside him. He rubs his eyes, before getting up to find Aj. He thought they fixed everything the night before. 

He walks to Aj's room, knocking once, twice before opening the door to see Aj curled in a ball looking so cute and small, laptop blasting some random Netflix show. He was wearing Nikos hoodie, so he knew he wasn't that pissed off. Niko places a kiss on Aj's head, before walking to his own room to shower and change himself. 


About an hour later, Niko goes downstairs to find Sharky and Chunkz chilling in the kitchen, on the sofas. When Sharky got up, he saw Aj asleep in his own room, so assumed him and Niko had spent the night apart. Him and Chunkz were discussing new video ideas, as Niko goes to sit beside Sharky. Chunkz gives him a weird look, as Niko sighs. The last time he spoke to them Chunkz may or may not have threatened him. 

"Hows Aj." Chunkz asks, dead tone in his voice. 

"Aj is fine. We talked about it last night and  we're ok. I explained what happened and it was just a misunderstanding. If Aj can believe me, you guys surely can too," Niko says, trying not to have his voice crack.

Sharky wraps his arm around Niko, "Yeah, we do. We're sorry for yesterday, we care about you both, you're our brothers. We just got a bit protective thats all,"

Niko nods, completely understanding their point of view. He settles closer under Sharky's arm, as they resume the conversation. Kenny comes down after a while and they're all talking as normal...


Aj stirs from his sleep, rubbing his eyes and looking at the time. Shit, its 11:30. He wasn't meant to sleep. He turns off his laptop, before trudging downstairs, forgetting about his bruised neck. By now the bruise had fully settled, a light shade of purple, Niko had put pressure but not enough for a full bruise to form, Thank God. 

He walks down to the kitchen where everyone is, he can hear their conversation from upstairs. He is greeted by everyone, before sitting the other side of Sharky. There was no reason, just that as much as he wants to, he doesn't have to be next to Niko all the time.

The room is silent. He looks around, "What?" He asks. Uhm, did he do something?

"What. The. FUCK." Sharky yells. He removes the arm that was around Niko, grabbing Aj's chin, tilting his head up. Oh shit. He forgot about that. From the tilted angle you could see the hickey's Niko had left on his neck and chest too.

"It's nothing, don't worry. I just uhm, I slept awkwardly." He snatches his head away, looking at Niko with fear in his eyes. He tucks his head into the hoodie, trying to cover the mark.

Chunkz has red laced into his eyes. Him and Niko stand up in synch, and Chunkz slowly walks towards Niko, who has his hands up as he's backing away. 

"No. Amin. It's not what you think," 

Chunkz can't hear anything. His anger taking over his senses. Before he can do anything, Aj jumps in between Them, placing his own hands on Chunkz's chest.

"Amin, listen, I promise it's not what you think. Niko would never hurt me, you know that. This is Niko. Niko Omilana. You think he could hurt me? No offence Nik" 

"None Taken,"

Chunkz looks down at the smaller boy, before shaking his head, "No. No Niko would never hurt you. But that doesn't explain that fucking mark on your neck. You gave you those marks, Aj." 

AJ looks towards Niko blush covering his face, before looking back at Chunkz. Sharky and Kenny were  watching from the sofa. They would help Aj, but they knew Chunkz's anger and power would do more than they could. 

"So it was him." Sharky says.

"Fuck, Yes! But its not what you think. I promise. It's far from what you think," AJ rushes out. 

"What are we meant to think Aj? Last Night all we heard was you two shouting and arguing. You screaming, and  this morning we found you asleep in your own room, which you haven't slept alone in in months."

Aj mumbles something under his breath, which no one could make out.


By now, Nikos walked up to Aj, standing directly next to him.

"Uhm. I-  uhm," Aj doesn't know if he can repeat it, he looks at Niko for support, as he tucks is face into his chest.

"Fucks sake. I like it rough ok," He shouts out, before returning his face to Nikos chest. It was one thing Niko knowing, it was another all the boys knowing too.

The room erupts with laughter, not in a shaming way, but in a friendly way. 

"Well, why didn't you just say so," Kenny laughs.

"Who knew, our little AJ, was a kinky fucker," Chunkz laughs, Dabbing up Niko, "fair play."

"Ok. Ok. Can we stop  talking about this now. Please," AJ laughs. 


1075 words,

Kinda short,  this is  a filler for the next chap.

Uhm if anyone knows how to end Chapters please let me know. Thanks lol

Anyways, love yousseeee.

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