Part 36

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A new week, A new Beta Shoot. 

They had been filming since Wednesday and it was Friday, which doesn't seem like a lot but 2-3 shoots a day, 3 days in a room was exhausting. That doesn't mean they hated filming, that definitely wasn't the case, it just made them so tired. 

It was the final shoot of the week, The boys were all sat getting ready to film, 'Family Feud: Part 2'. They were on their assigned sides, Niko, Aj and Deji on one side and Chunkz, Kenny and Sharky on the other. Sharky walks to the middle, and Aj walks up to him, leaving Niko to talk to Kenny. Aj knew exactly what Sharky would want to talk to him about, so took the hint to go to him to conversate. It would be a lot more awkward if Sharky had walked up to the three and said, 'Hey Aj, lets go have a private Chat'. Sharky is whispering nervously to Aj, before Aj is startled by hands wrapping around his waist, causing both boys to pause their conversation. 

"What are you two talking about," Niko says, placing a kiss onto Aj's cheek.

Aj places his hands over the ones around his waist, melting into Niko's back. Sharky couldn't help but feel a soar of jealousy seeing the interaction. He longed to have that connection with someone, have someone to love and hold him. Sharky knew how easy it would be for him to go out and get some random girl to do that with but he wanted the connection; with not just anyone though. 

"We were just discussing the filming, he was telling me how we're going to loose," Aj says, in attempts to cover for Sharky. 

Niko hums, Aj was good at lying, as much as he hated doing it, but Niko could see right through  his boyfriend. He could read Aj like a book, he knew Aj was lying. But why. He'd caught Aj and Sharky on numerous occasions whispering and giggling away like teenage girls, but if anyone got near them they'd stop, and act as if they were having some other random conversation. 

Niko decides to leave the two in their conversation, returning to Kenny, Chunkz, Deji and Darkest. He knew deep down in his heart that Aj and Sharky  didn't feel that type of way about each other, but he couldn't help but feel the pang of jealousy seeing them so close. 

"Ok, get in your positions, we're starting in 3.. 2.. 1.." The producer says.

"Hey guys..." Darkest begins.

As the red team introduce themselves, Kenny wraps his arm around Sharky's shoulder causing Sharky's heart to get increasingly faster. He loved the closeness with Kenny, and tried to conceal the blush that flooded his face. 

During the shoot, Aj was hugging Niko as much as he could during the shoot. Every correct answer resulted in a full hug or side hug. Of course, to not make it seem bait he also gave Deji a side hug too. Touch was still touch at the end of the day, no matter who it was...

"Ok Sharky, name something someone would be scared to ride on or in," Darkest asks.

"Ok well, a person could be one, you can ride people," Sharky says, giggling as he speaks. He gives a discrete wink, which isn't caught by the cameras. Kenny laughs trying to cover the good uneasy feeling in his stomach at that. As the cameras where focused on that team, Aj leans up to whisper in Niko's ear, "I can ride you." Niko freezes, he watches as Aj settles back down on his feet casually as if he had said nothing. How can he just do that. 


They wrap up the shoot, and Aj immediately sprints to Sharky, pulling him into the other room. Of course they knew the boys would follow after them but Aj wanted to get ahead with Sharky before they were inturrputed. 

"Sharks, you should've seen Kenny's face when you said the riding thing. He definietly like you back," Aj whispers.

"You think? He could've just thought of anything, not me," Sharky says back.

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