Part 5

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Guys slight T/W in this chap:

It was the next morning and Aj had barely gotten any sleep. Aside from the boys going to bed at 3 am as usual, he couldn't stop thinking. It was a recourring thought that had haunted him for years. It may or may not have been the thing that had got him to start cutting again. 

He had when he was a kid, before he found Chunkz and Sharky. Sharky  had helped him stop once before, but he was scared to bring it up again. Sharky was the one who had found him that day. They were meeting to play football in the park by Ajs block, and Sharky had come an hour early; wanting to get away from his siblings. He walked into Ajs room after being let in by his sister and had seen Aj with the blade on his wrist. It broke Sharkys heart to see his little brother in this state. Him and Chunkz had known about Aj's Childhood and the trauma surrounding it, but didn't know it was this bad. He had promised not to tell Chunkz, but after a while of helping Aj, he knew he couldn't do it alone. At the time Aj was annoyed but later he thanked Sharky for saving him.

Aj threw on a hoodie and sweats looking down at his wrist. Fuck. Ok maybe he'd gone a bit extreme yesterday, but he couldn't help it. His mental health was declining again and he was scared to disappoint Sharky and Chunkz. Kenny and Niko didn't know about his previous harming, he didn't want to worry the boys and wanted to keep it in the past; it was funny how as much as you try keep things in the past, they seep into your present and you don't notice until its too late. 

He grudgely walks downstairs, and sees the boys sat in the living room, in midst of conversation. Aj was not in a good mood- not necessarily in a bad angry one, but more of a sense of chest felt hollow, he was just, sad. He really just needed to be surrounded by his boys today, he needed Niko. Aj sits next to Niko and Sharky, slyly curling up into Nikos side. The boys continue conversation, until a ding is heard from Nikos phone. He looks down, before standing up announcing he was leaving. No. Not today please. Aj needed Niko today. 

"Where are you going?" Aj asks, his voice low and soft. 

"Just going out with Alyah," Niko replies, and begins to walk to the door, The other boys see the tears prick in Ajs eyes, confused at why Niko leaving would make him cry. Aj just gets up and follows Niko to the door.

"Niko, is there, is there any way you can stay?" He asks in a really quiet voice, fearful of rejection.

Niko looks and sees the tears in Ajs eyes, why was Aj crying? He was only going for a couple hours. 

"Aje, I'm not going to be gone long, I'll be back soon," 

Aj walks up to Niko hugging him, not squeezing as not to put pressure on his wrist. 

"Please Nik, Don't leave me," Aj whispers 

Niko hugs back lightly before stepping away, and woah. Niko had never pulled away from a hug with Aj first before, knowing how rare they were. The other boys were listening from the other room, hearts breaking for Aj. Chunkz and Sharky looked at each other scared Aj was spiralling back down into the dark hole they had once helped him out from. 

"Aj, I'm going, I promise we can do whatever when I get back, but i need to go." Niko says, kind of harshly as he walks out and slams the door behind him. He didnt hear Aj's final please, and the sob that left his mouth as he walked out.

Aj just runs up the stairs to his room, his chest feeling constricted and struggling to breathe...


665 words 

Yes its short, but its a filler for the next Chapter

and  the next Chapter is really long.

Ok bye guys love you x

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