Part 16

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Chunkz, and Kenny paced around the waiting area, whilst Sharky curled into a ball on the floor. He blamed himself. If he had told Chunkz earlier about Aj he may have saved him. Little did he know, Chunkz was thinking the same thing. He promised Aj he'd always be tehre for him, he'd make sure he'd neevr cut again, but this time it got too far. Aj had survived once, he had to survive once again. The doctors had been trying to save Aj for about 3 hours. It seemed like Kenny was the only sane one. He didn't know Aj had been struggling with this, he was kept in the dark. When Aj woke up, its a when not an if, he would slap him, then Niko. He had called Niko, who had thankfully landed and was on his way to the hospital. Till then  he had to make sure Chunkz and Sharky were ok. 

Kenny sits beside Sharky placing his arm around him, "It'll be ok Sharks, there's nothing we could've done. Yes we knew he was struggling, but not like this. We tried to help." 

"BUT WE COULD'VE HELPED. I knew Ken... I knew. The first time all those years ago, I helped him. And when I found out about it again, I tried to help, I thought I could do it. But I failed him. I failed him Ken. It's my fault he's here. It's my fault we aren't at home right now."

"Its not your fault Sharks. You tried to help. We did all we can, He will make it." Kenny pauses, pulling Sharky in closer, "Wait he's done this before?"

Sharky nods, "Yeah. He has a rough past, Ken. I don't know too much I just know it affected him badly, till this day. It's the reason he hates touch so much. And why he has a fear of being left behind, forgotten. He's scared all the time Ken. Me and Amin helped him before, But we didn't think it would come back."

Chunkz finally takes a break from his pacing, sitting beside Sharky on the other side. He was listening to their whole conversation, remembering when he found Aj in the back ally of the cinema. 

"I remember, when I first found out about Aj's 'problems'. He had mad panic attacks bro, That boy has been through so much. It's the reason he left the Netherlands. The only person who knows everything is Zayden. She was there for all of it."

"Call her. We need some answers and She deserves to know." Kenny says. Chunkz pulls out his phone and tells Zayden to come. He didn't say why, not wanting to scare her. Kenny gets a call from Niko, explaining he'd be there in less than 30 minutes."

Zayden arrives, she was staying at her boyfriend's so  was 5 minutes away from the hospital.

She runs in, looking around frantically for the boys. Chunkz greets her with a hug, before sitting her down on the chairs. 

"Whats wrong?! Where's Aj?!" She breathes out. 

"Zay, Aj he- he tried to- Aj tried to kill himself," Chunkz struggles to say. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't. 

"WHAT?!" Zayden yells out. "What happened?"

"Uhm, he played his song to Niko, and he left.  We know he has a rough past, but we don't know details. Could you tell us something, please."

"It's not my story to tell, He'll tell you, when he makes it. Because he will. Aj's been through a lot. I'll say as much as I can, and he'll tell you the rest." The boys nod, waiting for Zayden to open their understandings of Aj's past. 

"All I can say is, his dad left them. Time and time again. His dad and his mum weren't divorced, but his dad would disappear for months at a time, and then come back. He was in some bad shit, which put Aj and his family in danger. So his mum took Aj and his siblings and came to the UK. Thats all I can say, Aj will fill in the blanks, but yeah. Its why he hates touch and gets attached easily." By the time Zayden was done  she was crying, She knew the full extent of Aj's past, and it kills her to know her boy had been through this. 

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