Part 7

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A few days later, Sharky walks into Ajs room. He needed to ask him what was going on. For a while he'd suspected Aj's feelings for Niko, and vice-versa, but he needed confirmation from the man himself. He carefully knocks on Aj's door, praying he lets him in. 

Behind the door, Aj was sat at his desk, writing. He was just finishing up some lyrics for a new song he was writing. He was using this as a distraction, aching to cut, to feel numb. He hears a knock at his door, before hearing the familiar voice he loved so  much. He lets Sharky into his room, and Sharky walks in holding a small tescos bag. He goes to sit on the small black sofa in the middle of the room.

"I brought ice cream and Sensations," He announces with a smile. 

Aj knew something was up. Not because Sharky walked into his room, as it was normal for the boys to go into each others room just to hang out, but because he had ice cream and sensations. Back in the day when Sharky and Aj had deep chats, it was always that combo. It was their secret code for 'we need to talk.' Whether it was deep chats or someone had done something they needed to debrief later, they'd always have ice cream and sensations.

"Whats up Sharks," Aj asks sitting beside him.

Sharky sighs, hoping Aj would  tell him the truth. "Aje I need to ask you a question, and please tell me the truth. I have ice cream and sensations so no bull shit yeah." 

Aj nods as Sharky continues, "So, I kind of suspected for a while that you uhm. That you like Niko. And I kinda thought he liked you back? I don't know. But recently little things have sorta confirmed it and I just want to know if its true."

Aj takes a deep breath. Fuck. If Sharky has noticed Kenny definitely has and if Kenny has then Niko 100% has. He couldn't lie his way out of  this one. Why did he and Sharky have to have this non-stupid, stupid tradition. 

"Ok, fuck. Yes. Yes I like Niko. But you cant tell anyone Sharks. You have to promise me." Aj gets up before pacing around the room, "Did I make it that obvious? And if you noticed it has he? and if he knows and he's done nothing - and now he hates- fuck."

Aj is now breathing heavily. Sharky gets up looking into Ajs eyes. "Calm down Aj. Its fine. I noticed because I have suspected it for a long time, and I know you. No one hates you Aj." By now, hearing Sharky's reassuring voice had calmed Aj down a bit. They sit back down, Sharky crunching into a crisp as Aj explains to him what has happened over the last few days- minus the cutting and the whole Niko back story. He wasn't ready to tell him that. He tells him how he was having panic attacks again and how Chunkz made him realise his feelings. How he hated Alyah, but she seemed like such a sweet girl. And Sharky just listened. What felt like minutes had turned into a couple of hours, Sharky and Aj just talking about their feelings, and catching up. 

"Promise me Aj. Next time you have a panic attack, call me. You were lucky to have called Chunkz a few days ago, and its clear that it wasn't the first time in a while. I don't want you falling back down into that spiral again; not that I won't be here to help you, of course I will, but I mean for your sake. Remember Niko and Kenny don't know about this, as per your request, so they can't help you unless they know."

Sharky loved Aj. Aj was the older younger brother he never had, as much as he loved and was close with his siblings, he didn't feel as connected to them as they were much younger. But Aj was genuinely the younger brother, close in age to him, he never had. 

"I promise Sharks. I just, I just didn't want you to worry you know. They came back, and I thought it was once or twice, but it just got more and more consistent." Aj leaned in to hug Sharky, for a couple seconds before pulling away.

"Now, Lets play Fifa. Looser buys next ice cream and sensations." Sharky says.

"You're on!" Aj laughs back, "Just grab the spare controller  from my desk, whilst I set it up." 

Sharky walks over to Ajs desk to grab the controller, as he's about to walk back to Aj, he sees a piece of paper with scribbled down notes, he takes a quick glance before noticing they're song lyrics. Original song lyrics. He didn't want to pry too much but as he skims over it he gets distracted into reading the whole thing. 

Aj turns around to see what is taking Sharky so long to grab a controller, and sees him reading his- Shit. He'd left the paper on the desk. Sharky was going to think hes a weirdo. He rushes over flipping the sheet of paper around. Blushing at being caught. Sharky just stares at Aj, He was shocked. Yes Aj had released music before, but not this vibe. 

"Aj, did you write that?" was all he could get out.

Aj shyly nods.

"I know they aren't that good, but I just need to get my feelings out. Please don't judge me,"

"Aje, they are incredible. You have a real talent. I'd love to see demos one day."

"Sure- but I don't sound that great on them. I more write than sing. Now letss play," wanting to remove the light off himself. 

Aj looses the FIFA game, barely it was 6-7 with Sharky getting a goal in the last 30 seconds of added time. It was enough for Sharky to brag about it. Even when they went downstairs to join the other boys in the cinema room, Sharky made sure to let them all know that he had beat AJ. Aj was just happy he had told Sharky everything, well 90% of it, not having to hide it anymore. 


1035 words

Short but  I have something planned for the next chapter soooo

I amy post more short chapters than long ones cause i feel like they get a bit boring? Idk

anyways, bye mls

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