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It had been three days since Niko left. Aj was calling him once every hour, to beg him to come home. But Niko didn't pick up once. he just wanted his Niko back. 

In Croatia, Niko was having the best and worst time of his life. Alyah was starting to really annoy him, almost like she was jealous of Aj. Everytime Niko would point out an area him and Aj had done something in, she would roll her eyes, get mad, or kiss him, ok more like aggressively make-out with him, so she can rewrite her name all over Nikos memories. However, despite these attempts, Niko couldn't erase Aj out his mind. He couldn't get rid of his soft skin, his bubbly personality, his contagious laugh. He wanted his Aj.

From the moment Niko met Alyah, he felt like he'd known her for years, not in a way you instantly click with someone, but in the way that she was a mutual acquaintance. It kinda creeped him out a little bit. He brushed it off, but still was weary.

He remembered how Him and Sharky had brought Aj with them to Croatia, using the excuse of Aj being a good 'sportsman' after loosing, but in reality it was because Niko didn't want to spend a night apart from Aj. 

Yeah Niko was having a terrible time. He  missed Aj, and just wanted to be back home with the older boy.

He was sat on the balcony of the hotel, staring out at the night sky of the city, when Alyah walks up behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders, head on his shoulders. 

"Nik, what are you thinking about." Alyah asks, Niko internally cringes. No one calls him Nik but Aj. 

"Nothing." He dryly says. He knew she'd get mad at him for bringing up Aj once again, so decided to work around the subject.

Alyah walks around to Nikos front, sitting on his lap. He was so tempted to push her off, he felt uncomfortable. She leans in and kisses his neck. 

"Niko. Can we... Can we have sex?" She asks eagerly. Niko freezes. Usually a statement like that would get him turned on, but instead he felt off. 

"Uhm. I- I don't think I'm ready Aly. I'm sorry."

Alyah attempts to grind down on him, but his dick doesnt move. It was finnaly hitting Niko that he liked Aj. As in, like likes him.

"Why not Niko. Its been long enough. Please." She begs. 

"No Alyah, I really don't want to, so please, get off me." 

Alyah gets off Niko, pissed off. "Fine." she spits out. 

Niko didn't even care if she was angry or not. He wasn't in the mood. He climbs into bed curling into a ball. That Night Niko went to sleep, an uneasy feeling in his stomach.


Back in London, Aj was sick and tired of life. 

He hasn't been left alone since Niko had left. The boys took the lock off his bedroom door,  had to force him to eat, and stayed with him till he slept. It broke their hearts every time they heard Aj cry himself to sleep, or when he'd have nightmares and wake up screaming Nikos name. Aj was broken. And every unanswered phone call broke him down more and more. 

On the fourth day, the boys dragged Aj out of bed to film a video, the excuse for Niko not being there was he wasn't feeling too good. Little did they know. When they got home, Aj ran to his room, he tried to call Niko yet again, but of course he didn't pick up. He left a voicemail, apologising for everything, again begging his boy to come back. And ending with a sorry, I love you. 

Aj walked into his bathroom, closing the door behind him. He grabs the hidden blade, Sharky and Chunkz had gotten rid of all the ones in his room, but had missed a hidden one, Aj kept for emergencies. He holds the blade, sitting on the bathroom floor. He'd been so good for so long. Was it worth it. 

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