Part 20

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Aj and Chunkz made their way to Loai's house. Aj hadn't been here in 4 years, the place bringing back the haunting memory of being alone. Every time they had gone to Loai's Aj was either 'sick' or had a video to film. He did feel bad about not going over to his house anymore, but Aj and Loai did meet up at the Beta house or in public places so he'd hoped he'd not hurt Loai too much.  As they arrive he looks at Chunkz nervously, biting his nails. Chunkz can sense the nerves bouncing off of Aj's body, as he mentally processes that Aj hasn'r been here in a while. 

"So you haven't... Since, you and Niko..."

"Nope... Nope." Aj says, replying as Chunkz takes breaks in the sentence. 

"I feel bad Chunkz, what if he won't let me in because its been so long?" 

"Don't be silly, Ley. Of course he'll let you in, he's our friend." 

Aj just nods as Chunkz pulls up at Loais drive way. 

They walk up to the door, knocking hesitantly. Loai opens the door and is shocked to see Aj there, but hugs him and Chunkz regardless. He lets them in and They sit on the sofa in the living room. He brings out water cups and a bottle and places them on the table Infront of them, before sitting.

"Ok boys, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Loai asks. Of  course he didn't mind Chunkz and Aj paying him a visit, but Aj hadn't been here in a while, and they looked on edge.

"Uhm, Loai, I have a really weird question to ask you," Loai Nods as Chunkz continues, "Do you still have the security tapes from 4 years ago?"

Loai chokes on his water at this, "I-I Why do you need tapes from 4 years ago?! I mean yes I have them but 4 YEARS BRO?!"

"I know it  sounds mad, but we need them for the night of your birthday party, Its a long story Loai, i Promise you will find out eventually, but right now its important."

Loai nods, running to his room the grab the SD card from June 2020. Handing it to Chunkz and Aj.

"Here, Please don't loose it, I have a file for everything for times like this."

"Thank you so much Loai, you're a life saver."

The boys say bye to Loai before heading back to the house. They run to Aj's room and plug the SD card into the computer converter. 

They watch the video in 2 x speed, It was easy to identify Niko as how many 6"4 boys are there that they know? Also, Aj had Nikos entire outfit memorised. Aj was watching one view whilst Chunkz watched a side view.

After about 4 hours worth of tape, the party ahd began to die down and there was only Beta Squad and Loai left. Aj notices somehting in the corner. He freezes. His face draining of colour.  "Aj, what? what did you see?"

Aj rewinds about 30 seconds and points to the corner, to which he sees Alyah walk in to the party. She walks straight to Niko like a man on a mission, and immediately starts flirting with him. Aj sees Niko wipe his hands on his shirt, recognising the moment.

"Thats, thats just before we left... he went to the toilet and took ages to come back. I assumed he took a shit or something. Clearly not."  

He watches Alyah grab a cup before handing it to Niko, who shakes his head, indicating to her he doesn't drink.  She then looks back up at Niko before guiding him to the kitchen counter. 


The mystery girl drags me to the kitchen counter and pulls up a cup. I kinda felt uncomfortable, I tried to give her a hint I didn't want to speak to her, just wanting to go home with my Aje, but she didn't understand. She fills the cup up with water and hands it to me. For a second I got lost, she looked so much like Aj, if he was a girl. Beautiful curly hair, with blonde highlights, smooth skin that glistened under the light, eyes brown and beaming, that made you want to get lost in them. She was Aj. But without a dick. 

As he gets lost in the moment, he doesn't notice Alyah slip something into his drink. He felt bad not drinking the water, so wanted to take a sip and leave, and that's what he did. Niko takes a sip, placing the cup down, saying bye to Alyah and walking away. Alyah was pissed off. She wanted Niko, but instead he left her for that man-child. 

Niko feels his brain get a bit fuzzy and feels a bit out of control with his actions. His senses are heightened. He walks up to AJ, wrapping his arms around him and whispering in his ear "lets go".


Chunkz and AJ stare at each other in shock. Alyah. Had tried to drug Niko, but he left so quickly, he ended up using the effects of it on Aj, rather than on her. Tears well up in Ajs eyes, not crying tears, but sad tears. How could someone do that to his precious boy. 

Aj makes the smart decision to copy the file onto his  computer and USB, just in case. 

"Amin. What do we do?"

"Aj. wait look."

In the video, form Chunkz's angle, you can see through the window onto the main road. There he sees Alyah, walk out the house, were she is approached by a man. He looked around 5"8, and had light curls in his greying hair. They talk as if they've known each other for ages, Alyah shakes her head as the man raises his voice slightly. before they look into the house through the window. 

"Thats-Thats my - my dad." Aj says. 

Chunkz just stares at him. "Are you sure Aj?"

"YES. YES IM SURE. Thats.. thats him.. but- but how did he find me?"

"Calm down Ley. If we talk to Niko about this he may get Alyah to reveal why he's here and what he wants." Aj nods. His head was spinning, this was too much. He needed to let his mum and siblings know, but he couldn't just call them, he had to go to them. And if Alyah knew where they lived his dad probably knew and that meant he would be followed, and he couldn't let that happen. 

The boys were stuck. Aj needed to speak to Niko. And get him to remember everything, because now, both their lives were in danger...


1096 words. 

Hehehe gonna leave it there. 

Icl there isn't many chapters but they are long ish ones so... yeah

Ima do sme hw cause Ive got for every class tmrw and how many have I done? None.

so yeah.

Anyways, love youseeee x

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