Desserts (Ghost)

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Making cupcakes at midnight wasn't something you usually do but here you are. A friend of yours wanted cupcakes for a cousin's birthday and asked you to make them. You make some great creations. But you had been so busy with work you are just now getting to them.

Baking is a hobby that you are great at. You ask for favorite flavors and you make something the person who gets them really enjoys.

You were able to finish them up and go to bed at almost four a.m. You were deep asleep but before you know it there was banging on your front door. You look at the clock and see you had only been asleep for five hours. You need more.

Groaning you go and answer the door. There was your friend. You let her in and gave her the goodies.

F/N (friend's name) giggled, "These are perfect. Fatgum will love them."

You pause. Did she just say Fatgum? The Fatgum? You're most favorite hero of all time.

You tilt your head to the right, "Fatgum?"

She nods, "Yes. He's my cousin and it's his birthday today. I promised him the best cupcakes in all of Japan."

You blushed, "They aren't that great. I can't believe Fatgum will be eating my cupcakes."

Her smile grew, "Do you want to come with me to deliver them?"

You shook your head no, "I couldn't. I wouldn't be able to talk."

F/N sighs, "I guess they are going to waste then. Because I won't deliver them unless you come."

You growl, "Fine. I'll go get changed."

You march into your room. What do you wear? You decided on a pair of jeans and a nice top. You didn't want to appear like you tried so hard.

When you two arrived at his agency, you were shaking from nerves. Here it goes. You are about to meet your all-time favorite hero. What if he doesn't like you? What if he doesn't like your cupcakes? You shake your thoughts and go inside.

F/N walks in and you follow. She marches up to a little crowd of people. Well, everyone was crowded around him except one guy with indigo hair. He was in the corner with his head on the wall. Everyone sang as he was presented with the cupcakes. He took one and ate it. He closed his eyes in appreciation.

He looked at F/N, "Where did you get these? They are amazing."

F/N giggled, From L/N here. She makes amazing desserts."

Everyone turned to you and you gave a shy wave. Fatgum went wide eyed. He thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

He gives you a big smile, "You made these."

You blush, "Yes. I like to bake as a hobby. I'm glad you like them."

He gets excited. Not only are you beautiful, but sweet, and talented.

He asks, "Can you make mochi?"

"Yes. I could make you some if you like."

"YES! I mean yes. Please."

You two talked for the rest of the get together. It was like everyone else faded away.

Afterwards, you two exchanged numbers. You promised to make him some mochis over the weekend.

All weekend you made him a bunch of different flavors. You wanted to impress him.

One Monday, you went to his agency to deliver them. He was so excited about them. He tore right into them and was greatly impressed.

From there on you two kept in contact. He liked to text a lot. You didn't mind. It was your dream to talk to him. You would randomly make him desserts and drop them off when ever you could. This went for like two months when he asked you out which you gladly accepted.

That one date turned into two which turned into threw which then became official. He was the best boyfriend.

After dating for six months, he proposed. He said he knew you were the one. You asked F/N to be your maid of honor. It was a wonderful life filled with happiness and desserts.

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