Pink Apron (Ghost)

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You are standing in your kitchen rubbing your eyes. You must be hallucinating. You had woken up and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. There stood your boyfriend, Shota Aizawa, cooking you breakfast. But that's not what had you stunned. It was the fact that he was wearing your very pink and very frilly apron.

Aizawa senses your presence, "If you say one word, it won't end well for you."

You giggle, "My lips are sealed."

What he doesn't know is you took a secret picture of him and sent it to Present Mic. You knew the blonde would enjoy said picture. As you sat down, your phone pinged with a text back from Mic. He sent you laughing emojis. You laughed again and went to reply. You didn't get to because your phone was snatched from your hands.

You look up and freeze. Aizawa frowned at the text.

He squints his eyes at you, "Why did you send Mic that?"

You slowly got up and backed away, "Ummm...Oh look, fire."

Aizawa turned to look, and you took off. You made a run for your bedroom. Unfortunately, your chubby little legs weren't fast enough, and he caught you. You thought you stood a chance because he wasn't wearing his scarf, but you were very wrong. The man was quick.

He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. Then he marched the rest of the way to the bedroom and tossed you on the bed. Aizawa then proceeded to tickle you.

You gasped for air begging for mercy. He made you promise never to do that again and erase all evidence. He would take care of Mic later to get him to delete it all, too.

After the torture, he reheated breakfast, and you had a nice meal with him. The apron incident was to never be brought up again. You had to pinky swear, or else you would be tortured again.

The next day, he bought a basic black apron so there would never be a repeat.

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