Passion (Maddie)

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It's when you're alone that you can be at peace. Chaos and company are one in your mind; after all, how can there be chaos when there is only one present? There cannot be disharmony between two people if there is not two people. For you, silence and loneliness is all you need.

At least, that's what you tell yourself.

As long as you can remember, you've been alone. It's a sad fact, but what else can you do? You're different; and nobody likes different. So, if you must be lonely, you may as well make yourself be happy. There's nothing else you can do.

Today is the first day of the Chunin Exams, which you will take. You're fifteen, and hoping to become a chunin. The last Chunin Exams were a mess, and only one person got to become a chunin. This year, you say to yourself. I'll be a chunin. I'll pass and then make my way to jonin.

First, there will be the written exam. This is rather exciting for you since you love by the book exams; not to mention, one of the people is charge is Temari. She's rather admirable: pretty, smart, talented, strong, and most of all, she's nice (when she wants to be, that is). You're from the Village Hidden in the Sand, and the Kazekage (Gaara) is her younger brother. His elder brother--or the middle sibling--is known as Kankuro.

On your way in, you bump into someone. You look up at them, and it's Kankuro himself. You blink a couple times before bowing to pay respect. After all, he's the official bodyguard and brother to the Kazekage. He's a little important.

"Sorry." You say simply.

"Not a problem. You here for the Chunin Exams?" You raise an eyebrow.

"I feel like that's obvious. Also, your brother files all that paperwork and sends it to the Leaf since the exams are combined. I think you'd know a bit about the people registering for these exams, Lord Kankuro."

"No. I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours." You don't even react to that. He's known as a bit of a flirt.

"Hm. Odd."

"Well? Want a personal escort inside the first exam?"

"No, thanks. I doubt I'll have trouble."

"I don't know. It's easy to get lost. Besides, Temari'll totally give you a hard time, knowing her."

"Meh. I can easily handle it. See ya."

You walk inside, and Kankuro watches you from behind, grinning. She's cute. Potential girlfriend, maybe?

The written exam is odd to you, but you'll get through it. You have to separate from your squad members, and then get a certain sum of points from the questions. It's strange, but it isn't surprising. Shikamaru Nara came up with it, and most of his ideas make no sense at first, but ultimately have a good reasoning behind it.

You close your eyes, and begin to think. You can't pass this without somehow communicating with your squad members. What to do... what to do... The loud noises around you don't help either. You can't take this anymore.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!" You snap, and everyone turns to you. "LISTEN HERE!!! If everybody keeps this up, we're not getting anywhere. We have a time limit here, and yelling won't solve anything. Shikamaru Nara set this up, and from what I gathered in the last Chunin Exams, he relies solely on strategy and logic; therefore this has something to do with strategy. My guess is that it has to do with gathering and transporting information without getting caught. That's one of the most important things for a shinobi, especially in time of war."

"And who put you in charge?" Someone speaks up.

"I put myself in charge. All of you idiots are fighting and trying to beat each other out, but what good is that? You're acting like a bunch of idiots. Segregation amongst villages is what caused the last Chunin Exams to end badly, so I think that of we all employ the same strategy and work together, we can all pass this exam."

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