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They were all assembled in that big room while the principal Mrudanga Rao was in his chair behind a table and all the teachers and other staff were in other chairs facing him.

"Our school is going to be opened very soon. I am very happy that we have given the best results this year also. There is no surprise that parents are showing interest like that to join their children in our school." There was pride in his face while saying that.

There were nods of the heads and saying of 'yes, yes, yes' from the teachers and other staff around.

Principal Mrudanga Rao was indeed a very successful person. He was highly educated and he established the school 'Rose Garden' a long time back to teach from 6th standard to 10th standard. He took care in everything and always recruited best teachers to teach the children. Other staff in his school also was always the best. He supervises everything and his school was outstanding from the very beginning itself.

"I must thank you all also. Without your heartfelt cooperation, it would not have become possible like this at all."

"Thank you sir" Teachers and the other staff said in unison.

"We have to work with the same spirit for the next academic year also. You all know that I am always ready to take suggestions from anyone. If anyone among you wants to give any suggestions to me, please tell them." Looking observantly into the faces of the people before him, he said.

There was some silence and the staff assembled there looked into each other's eyes.

As they were waiting eagerly who would come first with a suggestion, social teacher Pradhan, who taught social from sixth standard to tenth, said. "There is one suggestion I want to make. You should not beat the children like that sometimes. Moreover that much strict discipline also is not good."

Pradhan was courageous. He never felt fear to say anything that he thought reasonable. In fact all the teachers around also want to say the same thing to the principal but they were not as much courageous as Pradhan.

Mrudanga Rao hissed out angrily. "What really you are thinking the reason for the best results? Are you thinking that it is just your teaching is doing the magic? I am keeping the children in discipline and making them study hard by my beating, understood?"

Pradhan did not say anything. He understood that there would be no use in saying anything more to him. Even before saying that also, he knew the response to his saying would be so but he just could not remain without saying that.

"Anyhow thank you for what you have said. My congratulations also to you as all the tenth class students scored high in their social subject." Controlling his anger Mrudanga Rao said. He never liked to be pointed out like that by anyone. If the Pradhan was not one of his very good teachers he would have become even more angry with him.

"Thank you very much sir" Pradhan said.

They were all waiting if anyone else would come forward with any other suggestion. After some more seconds silence Mrudanga Rao said "One more thing. You all know Niranjan who is a great meditation expert and a professor in psychology. I think you all know about this also that Niranjan retired now and settled quite near to our school. I talked to him and he agreed to give meditation classes to our students. Once schools started, he gives meditation classes to each class once a week."

There was applause around instantly.

"It is indeed very good sir. We all also have heard about him. Not just students we also can benefit from his speeches." Manorama, the English teacher, said.

"You are right" Pradhan said. "It is indeed a very good idea."

There was some silence again.

"Are there any more suggestions that you people want to give to me?" looking once again into their faces, Murdanga Rao asked them.

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