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I WOKE UP TO THE SUN BEAMING THROUGH THE FLOOR TO CEILING WINDOWS, and next to me slept a man with a head of white hair.

The same man I happened to have sex with last night, and the same man who wanted me to stay the night afterwards.
The same man who is letting me work in his office so that I don't have to physically go to work.
The same man I have grown a liking to, this man being Gojo Satoru.

He held me from behind, occasionally pulling my stomach closer to his body.
Maybe he wants my ass on him, either way, I'm not necessarily complaining.

I feel that the question of us dating is soon to come, and it may be merely a few days before the question gets asked and I get to say yes without a second thought.

Yes, I'm ready to date you, yes I'm ready to live with you, yes I'm ready to be a stepmom, yes I'm ready to meet your family, yes I'm ready to be married, yes I'm ready to be your wife.

Those are all of the things I would say yes to if he asked, now all that is left is for him to actually pop the questions,

The man behind me let out a groan, which alerted me that he was waking up; and for some reason I got excited.

"Morning, Angel." I could hear him speak with a smile on his lips, and I turned around to face him, and he had half-lidded eyes.

"Morning, handsome." I smiled back at him and moved some of the hair covering his face behind his ear.
He used his arm to caress my bare back and we simply stared into each other's eyes for a while.

The silence was comforting, and nothing else mattered except the man in front of me. For once, I felt at ease.

"I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." he had a low whisper to him, and a blush coated my cheeks along with a small smile at his compliment.

"Yeah?" I replied and he simply kissed me in response, and I pressed my body against his to enjoy the kiss.

He pulled away and I stared at the current state we were in, which was naked, together, in his bed.

I became shy at the sight of my exposed body, and I covered myself with the duvet out of embarrassment.

"Want something to wear?" he offered and I nodded, sitting up, still covered in the duvet.

I admired his body, he looked as if he were sculpted out of porcelain and he made my face feel hot by just looking at him.

We walked towards his walk-in closet and threw a crewneck and some shorts for me to wear for the time being.

Both of which were oversized but it was a good look nonetheless.

My mind went back to trying to locate where my panties could be, and I realised that they were probably on the couch in the lounge.

And so I made the dreadful trip to the lounge, with only the crewneck on but it covered enough for me to be comfortable.

I made do with what I had and reluctantly put my underwear back on, and put the shorts over them.

I walked back to Satoru's room and found him dressed in sweatpants and a shirt that helped the eyes see his physique, and left nothing to the imagination.

"I'll make you a coffee for so long and you can go to the office to work? Unless you don't want to, which suits me better." he chuckled and I scratched my nape shyly.

"I think I should probably start working so that I'm done sooner." I walked over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Sounds good to me, I'll bring you something to eat soon. And then we will pick Megumi up from school." he slid a hand behind my waist and kissed my forehead before letting me go.

I walked towards the office on the left wing of the penthouse, and during my trip I looked out of the windows, watching the morning traffic and admiring the neighbouring buildings.

I arrived at the office and sat down at the desk, switching on the iMac and checking my phone, watching out for any calls from Suguru.

I remembered that I have to type out a report for Eric, one that he needs urgently since he's leaving the company at the end of the week, and now it's Friday.

I signed into my work account and began typing out words that meant nothing to me.
As this was happening, my phone began ringing and I picked it up after reading the contact details.

"Good morning, Y/nn." he dragged out his words in a teasing tone.

"Morning Suguru, you heading to work?"

"Indeed, how was your date missy?"

"It definitely ended well, I mean I'm working from home tonight."

"Is home Satoru's house?" I could hear him smile through his words.

"You get what I mean." I managed to audibly roll my eyes.

"So no Y/n at work today, great now I'll be alone." he sounded upset.

"You have Nanami, he's great company."

"Speaking to him is like speaking to cardboard, he doesn't count."

Satoru walked into the room with a cup of coffee and raised his eyebrow at my conversation over the phone.

"Tell Nanami I love him," Satoru spoke loud enough for Suguru to hear.

Suguru laughed and greeted Satoru, and while they spoke I continued working.

Satoru stood next to me, keeping a hand on my shoulder while keeping conversation, and he would occasionally rub his thumb against my skin.

"Anyways you two, I just got to work and I have to go, enjoy the rest of your awesome sex." Suguru laughed before hanging up abruptly, leaving Satoru and me to exchange a giggle between each other.

"I'll be around, call me if you need anything." he smiled and gave me a quick kiss, then left me in his office.


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