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I GOT READY FOR WORK WITH A SMILE ON MY FACE, thinking of the kiss I shared with Gojo Satoru the night prior.

After leaving the house I felt my phone ring in the pocket of my coat, and I picked it up, waiting to hear from the other line.

"Morning, gorgeous." his voice had teasing undertones.

"Morning, Suguru." I chuckled.

"Coming in to work today? Or are you going to stay behind at Satoru's penthouse again?"

"How did you know about that."

"Satoru picked up my morning call on your phone while you were too busy working in his office." he laughed at me and I felt embarrassed.

"I'll tell you what happened at work, see you soon." I bid my goodbyes and hung up, arriving at my car to drive to work.

Not long after, I got to my work building and parked, eyeing out a familiar car next to Suguru's.

I went up the elevator, once again sharing the space with Nanami, who looked unbothered.
"Morning, Nanami, are you trialling again today?" I asked him and he sighed in irritation, which made me want to retaliate.

"Eric, your manager, is very hard to work with and is extremely bad at explaining shit, so I have to come in every day until next week." he shook his head in disbelief.

"Luckily it's a Thursday, but I get what you mean about Eric, he's a complete pain." I laughed and patted his back, and once the elevator opened I walked out and headed straight to my cubicle, even managing to get past Eric who almost spotted me.

Suguru sat by his desk, and once he saw me sit at mine, he rolled his chair out to squeeze next to me.

"So what happened." he had a hushed tone and I giggled, moving my chair to make more space for both is us to fit at my desk.

"So first I slept there, we slept in the same bed somehow. Then I worked at his office, after that we picked Megumi up together and we went to the beach. And we kissed! We got back to his penthouse, had dinner and then he drove with me back to my apartment and kissed me goodbye." I explained all of that in one breath, and he looked extremely surprised.

"You kissed! But wait...we're ignoring the part where you said you slept in the same bed together." he had furrowed eyebrows and I laughed, thinking back to that night.

"I don't know how it happened but I slept in his arms the whole night basically. I think he might have seen me get changed during the night." I told him and he looked even more concerned.

"You didn't have extra clothes that night...did you wear his clothes?" he asked and I nodded with a cheeky smile.

He couldn't believe my words and just sat there with nothing to say, but nonetheless, he was extremely supportive.

"I guess I can't call you by your nickname anymore." he pouted and looked away from me with an attitude.

"Satoru calls me Angel, I quite like it." I rested my elbows on my desk and held my head up with my hands.

Footsteps approached the cubicle and without realising, there was a figure looming above my desk.

"What were you saying, Angel?" he had his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face, and I looked away with flushed cheeks.

Suguru got up from his chair and did a little handshake with Satoru and sat back down next to me.

Satoru came behind my chair and held his hands on my shoulders, which caught me by surprise.

"Can you be ready by eight tonight? Wear something a little fancy, since we're going out to dinner tonight remember." he kissed the top of my head and walked off, leaving me with a smile and hot cheeks.

"This is going better than expected...I can't believe it." Suguru looked excited for me and left my cubicle, rolling his chair back to his desk.

I heard Eric's voice boom throughout the office and it started getting closer to me, and I quickly turned on my computer to make sure he could see I was working.

He came over to my desk and for once he didn't have a sour expression on his face.
Nanami loomed behind him, looking around uninterested.

"L/n, I saw you weren't at work yesterday but you still managed to send me something to review. Good work for that...thank you," he muttered the last part and walked away with Nanami following close behind.

I nodded anxiously and once he left I swam in my pride, looking relieved and without reason to work today.
However life doesn't work like that, and so I have to sit in front of a computer and type my insanity away.

I had a smile on my face, thinking of what I was going to wear to my dinner with Satoru tonight.

I rolled my chair over to Suguru, who was busy watching something on YouTube and fiddling with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

He looked over at me and paused the video, simultaneously taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

"How are you and your girlfriend? Sorry about the other night." I asked him and he laughed and shook his head.

"She's fucking crazy, I'm going to leave her soon." he leaned back in his chair, dangling his hair off the edge.

"Why were you guys fighting? If you don't mind me asking." I felt I was partially the reason after what Satoru told me earlier.

"She's jealous and shit, also insecure. So she didn't like me calling you by your little nickname and the fact that I was with you outside of work. The crazy bitch even told me to quit my job because of you!" he slapped his knee with a laugh, and my question was answered.

"Sorry about that...I mean literally no harm. What did you tell her?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I told her you were seeing Satoru, and that shut her up real nice." he looked proud of himself and I smiled at his implication.


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