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DINNER WENT BY SMOOTHLY, and by the end of it, I was more than satisfied.

I sat in my chair with a smile, watching Satoru's movements as he asked for the bill and took out his card, ready to pay for the meals we had.

I didn't want to discuss paying with him, seeing that the restaurant didn't even have prices on their menus, I couldn't even imagine how expensive it was.
My wallet mourned over the loss of money it could have had.

The waitress came back with the bill folder and set it on our table, waiting with both of her hands in front of her.

He signed the receipt and I tried to sneak a look at the estimated cost of tonight, and my eyes widened at the digits.

The woman thanked him, obviously thanking him for the tip she got from her service.

And guess what he did? He paid that entire amount by simply tapping his card on the machine.

My eyebrows furrowed at what he had just done, but he looked at me with a happy smile.
I smiled back and he got up from his chair, taking his coat in hand and he came over to me, holding my coat for me to slip into like he always does.

Satoru and I walked out of the restaurant together, my arm locked with his.

He opened the passenger door for me and he walked over to the driver's seat to get in.
We both sat in the car and Satoru let out a sigh and then proceeded to look over at me with a soft smile.

"Can I get a kiss, Angel?" he asked and I nodded happily, leaning forward for my lips to meet his.
It was quick but cute; afterwards, we both pulled away and I stared at him with a smile.

"You smell so fucking good...come over tonight?" he had a desperate tone in his voice and I agreed without a second thought and he began driving back to his penthouse.

He put his hand on my leg, not going further out of respect and for some reason, I couldn't stop fucking blushing at his actions.

Soon enough, we arrived at the building he stayed at; and after he parked underground, he took me up the elevator and he had a hint of excitement behind anything he did.

He opened the door to his house and let me through, and then quickly locked it and took his coat off, hanging it up and slipping his shoes off.

I did the same and waited for him as I leaned against the kitchen counter with my arms as suspension.

He approached me and towered above me, pressing his body against mine, our faces merely millimetres away from each other.

"Please..." he sounded desperate and I couldn't resist not kissing him, so I just went for it.

He slipped one of his hands around my waist and under my back, pulling my body closer to his.
I used one of my hands to cup his cheek and he slid his tongue over my bottom lip, and I granted him access to the rest of my mouth.

The kiss started getting heated, and he guided me towards the couch, I was walking backwards while the make-out continued.

He sat down and unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, slightly exposing his chest, which made me want him more.

I was confident enough to sit on top of him, straddling him while we kept kissing.

• • •

I sat up from the couch, panting heavily and looking over to my side to see Satoru in the same state as me.

I felt a bit embarrassed that my body was as exposed as it currently is, but that's not at the top of my mind.

My hair was messed up and strands of his hair stuck to his forehead due to sweat.

He pulled me closer to him, letting our bodies touch.

"Stay over tonight?" he asked me and as I was about to object he came up with a simple solution to my problem.

"Work from home." he had a smirk on and he inched his face closer to mine in order to plant a sweet kiss on my lips.

He got up and walked off to his room, coming out soon after with a silk robe for me to wear for the time being.

I put it on and followed him to the kitchen, where he was digging in the fridge looking for something more.

He pulled out a bottle of orange juice and set it on the table along with a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

"What's the orange juice for?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows and a curious smile, and he giggled.

"Suguru told me that orange juice after sex is amazing, and I agree with him." he drank out of the bottle while pushing the chocolates towards me.

"Sounds like something Suguru would say." I chuckled and took the wrapper off one of the chocolates popped it in my mouth, and was met with the pleasant delight of cold chocolate.

Satoru watched me, and I could feel it even though I wasn't paying attention to him, and I started feeling nervous.

"Angel?" he called out and averted my gaze to meet his, with a whole Ferrero Rocher in my mouth.
Embarrassing sight.

"You really are gorgeous, and I can say that with every bone in my body." he caressed my cheek with his hand and I smiled at him with red cheeks.

"You're one, if not the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on." I had a cheeky smile and he felt flattered.

"Let's go to my bed, it's pretty late." he motioned with his head and took the clear box of chocolates with him after putting the orange juice back in the fridge.

I followed him to his room, and it was even bigger than his office, with a massive bed and a whole lot of floor space, with an amazing view too.

He sat down on his bed and patted beside him for me to sit next to him, and so I did as told.

He brought his face closer to mine and our noses touched he had a low gaze and a smile on his face, and he closed the distance with a kiss.


The orange juice after sex is a thing between my boyfriend and his best friend, I just thought it was a cute little thing to add.

sorry about my 7 day break ☹️

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