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They sit for ages, forehead to forehead, kissing a little, neither of them breaking the spell. Eddy doesn't even wipe his hand. Maybe two weeks ago he might have found it a little icky, but not now. 
Oh, God, he's in so much trouble but right now, with the evidence of what they just did drying on Eddy's hand and in his jeans, trouble seems the furthest thing away in the world. 
Suddenly Brett chuckles. 
"So. You need a shower?"
Oh, thank you. Thank you for making light of it. Thank you for not really mentioning it, for not making me feel awkward about coming in my jeans. Thank you for looking at me normally, even though that rosy glow you get when you've just come is still on your cheeks. Thank you for not mentioning it. 
Thank you for not making this a thing. 
Eddy grins and takes the out he's been given. 
"Nah. I'll just grab a flannel and some shorts. You want to do some more work?"
"Yeah. I mean... we need to prepare, for tomorrow. I still can't believe it.""
It's hard not to look too triumphant. So Eddy rushes out to clean up. The way he's feeling now he'll be able to work all night and never get tired. 

It must be past midnight once Brett yawns. 
"Okay. Bed?" he says. "God, I really do need to start going to my parents' sometimes but we keep working so late that it never seems like a good idea anymore."
"Sure." Eddy tells him, even though to be honest he doesn't want to, not yet. Should he offer to stay here, do some more work while Brett goes to sleep? That'll just result in Brett staying too, though. He could go to bed and then sneak out while Brett sleeps?
"You need to sleep too, Eddy. We don't need a repeat of last night, yeah?" Brett says suddenly, as if he's read his mind. Eddy chuckles dryly.
"Okay." he acquiesces. 
I mean, maybe he'll sleep because Brett is there? He follows him to the bedroom meekly and flicks on the bedside light, then pulls off his trousers. The light dims the space, making it more inviting in circles stretched out on the ceiling. 
How did he never notice before just how lovely he is? He certainly does now, as Brett pulls his jeans off in turn and reaches for one of Eddy's shirts. His legs are strong and firm with just the right amount of hair to be rugged. He's been running, Eddy can see that. 
Maybe they can go running together tomorrow. 
"Do you have your jogging shoes here?"
"Uh, I think so, why?"
Eddy shrugs. 
"I was thinking maybe we could go for a run in the morning. I haven't done enough exercise."
"Oh? Okay, sure. You're free until like two, right?"
"Cool. We can sleep in a little."
Eddy chuckles softly as he slides in between cool sheets. The pillow is soft underneath his head and actually it's nice, here. 
"As if you ever sleep in. You'll be up by nine, I guarantee it." 
Brett grins as he slips into the bed next to him and reaches for the light. 
"Don't judge, sleepy head. I won't wake you up, how's that?"
"Wake me early enough so we can go for the run, though."
He's actually really sleepy now, probably courtesy of all the short nights and the relaxed evening they've had. It's so nice, sinking into the gloom, settling in the dusky softness of his sheets, Brett's breathing calming beside him already. He sighs and turns on his side, tucks the quilt between both arms like a hug. 
"Bretty?" he says sleepily. "Um. Is there anything... you know, anything we need to talk about?"
There is a hair breadth of silence but then comes the Brett-special hum.
"No? Why?"

I mean, what is he to say to that? What can he add to that? Brett is like this, you know. Decisive. He does what he wants to do and nothing else.
It's one of the things Eddy admires most about him. 
"Cool." he breathes once his heart settles back down. He tucks the quilt deeper between his arms, his head digging just a little deeper into the pillow for support. "Good night."

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