XLIII (NSFW from second paragraph)

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When do they sit down? Eddy is not even sure but he can't remember it ever having been this tender. They're still kissing, on and off, and they take breaks in between where they just sit, forehead to forehead, breathing, relaxing. 
Is he done mulling? It sure feels like he isn't. It feels like he needs this just as much as Eddy does. Eddy smiles and raises his lips. More kisses. Sweet, gentle kisses. He licks his lower lips and Brett's head falls back a little, exposing his neck, with the light red violin hickey. Eddy trails kisses down to it and licks it until Brett groans again. His eyes flick down to check.
Ah, that bulge. It's a good bulge. Of course Eddy is hard too, he has been since the kissing started. He's ignored it so far, but not anymore. 
His hand slides down over Brett's belly and waits, just before it hits the bulge. He watches him, asking. 
"Please." Brett whispers. 
Oh, this definitely isn't admiring from afar and starting tomorrow that really is exactly what he needs to start doing because the butterflies are new. Swarms of them are coming in from all corners, a feeling he knows from girls he's liked but has it been like this before? Oh, he knows, he knows everything he said to Lily about the risks, he knows why he decided what he did, and it's not like he's undeciding that, honest. It's just that he knows that Brett needs to relax. He himself needs to relax. It's just that he sees Brett's erection twitch and it's so beautiful. 

It's like a present he unpacks, suddenly, when he opens his button and undoes his fly. Brett springs to life, raising above the jeans in his boxer shorts. His mouth opens slack and Eddy knows he's surrendering to him. 
Oh, they've done this many times but it's never been like this. In fact...
Eddy shakes his head and represses the desire to kiss him where he hasn't kissed him before. Instead he closes his hand around him and moves up and down once. Brett groans deeply. 
No, he won't do anything they haven't done before. He'll stick to this. 
This is enough. 
No, this is plenty. 
"Please pull them down." Brett says suddenly, his voice hoarser than Eddy's ever heard. He eyes him, almost apologetically, and shrugs. "You know. Laundry. That okay?"
All at once Eddy's heart rate is up to HRmax. 
"S-sure." he manages. 
Oh, God. Is he really doing this? This is so not admiring from afar but he's said sure now, and there's nothing he wants more in this world. He can see the outline of him through the thin fabric, but he's never touched him like this. A shiver runs through him as tingles fly everywhere and his fingers are peeling the boxer shorts back. Back, back and he feels his soft, smooth, silky skin under his fingers. Skin that could be kissed. Brett in his full glory.
A huge wave of tingles and he could so easily come right now. He closes his eyes for a moment and gets himself under control. 
"Eddy..." Brett moans and that's it, he grabs him for real and starts moving him the way he knows he likes. 
Oh, this is good. Eddy shirks up Brett's shirt because he knows he's close and he moves him, up, down, up, down as his own excitement mounts more and more. 
Oh, God, he's going to come with him, he can feel it already, there's nothing for it because the butterflies swarm and the tingles race them, and will he know what it means? 
There's nothing he can do about it, though, because they are forehead to forehead again, Brett's moist with the sweat that beads as Eddy moves him up, and down. Up, and down.
"Fuck! Yes!" Brett calls then and he comes hard, his warmth shooting over Eddy's hand and his own naked belly and that's it, Eddy is with him, pumping his hot liquid into his jeans, absorbing Brett's cries with his own until their mouths fall together again, spent. 

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