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"Eddy. What the hell happened?" 
He's on his couch, somehow, and he doesn't even know how he got there. Tears are still drying on his cheeks, but Brett is there, sitting next to him. 
"Eddy. You okay? Bro. Do you need something? A bucket? Something to eat?"
"Tory. No. She's... alone. Fuck." he manages. 
"She's not here?"
"No. She left."
"Jesus. Just now?" Brett says as he stares at the door, like Tory might appear there any moment. "What the hell happened? Last time I saw you you were fucking her on a park bench. Don't think I didn't notice."
"Don't think I didn't notice you getting head from that girl you like." Eddy retorts and Brett grins. 
"God, that was good." he says. "Bro. You basically fainted. What the hell? How worried do I need to be?"
"Not worried at all." Eddy sighs. Now that he's lying down he's okay, even though sleep is still looming heavily on his consciousness. "Just too little sleep, and too long without eating on four beers. Don't worry about it."
Brett cusses softly and he walks to the kitchen and grabs a pan, then turns on the fire and grabs the eggs.
"I don't want to eat."
"Tough. You're eating, and then you can sleep. No use worrying about Tory now, she's been gone at least fifteen. She must be home now, and she's an adult, Eddy. She decided to leave on her own, that's on her. But what the hell happened between you two?"
Eddy shrugs harshly. 
"She suggested..." Jesus. Suddenly the thought is so ridiculous that a giggle bursts through his unbelieving lips, like he's some sort of madman. "She suggested she move in. I waited too long to answer."
"What the fuck." Brett says, spatula over eggs. He's hopeless in the kitchen, but eggs he can do, and actually now that he's cooking them they smell mouth watering. "She... do you want that?"
"I don't know." Eddy says honestly. "If you'd've asked me three months ago, maybe. But we've been... rocky. You know that. So no, not right now. Not after the stunt she pulled. Not after the last weeks. 
"Jesus. And she just stormed off?" He grabs a plate and slides the eggs onto it, then grabs four chopsticks and takes the whole thing over to him. He sits down, thrusts him one pair and takes a bite with the other. "Eat. You need it. Then you can sleep."
"Yeah." he says, answering both questions at once. He winces as he thinks back on it and suddenly he feels dirty. "She said... she said 'after I let you do that.' You now, about earlier. Like she thought..."
The look on Brett's face makes him swallow any other words he may have had. He's paused, bite of egg hovering between the plate and his mouth. Eddy swipes some egg too now and chews it quickly. His stomach rumbles gratefully as it slides down and he instantly knows this was just what he needed. He starts shovelling egg into his mouth like he's not eaten for three weeks and before he knows they have emptied the plate between them.
"Um." Brett says as he puts it on the table, then swallows his last mouthful. "It looked more like she was doing it to you, to be honest."
"Well, I did do something to her, you know, before. But it certainly didn't seem like she minded that at the time."
Brett grins darkly.
"Uhuh. How many orgasms did she have?"
"This is not okay, Eddy." Brett says suddenly, sombrely, and very uncharacteristically. "Shit. I've had a little too much to drink to be down to earth about this but Eddy, really... that's not an okay thing for her to say to you. It's not an okay thing to do either."
"I know." Eddy tells him feebly. Shit, where is this new tear coming from? He's not made enough of a spectacle of himself yet? Fainting in front of Brett and for anyone in the street to see, plus the whole story with Tory? He can't help himself though, even though he's not sure whether the tears are angry or sad. 
"Jesus, Eddy." Brett says, and all at once there's an arm around him. And he's so, so tired. Too tired to think anymore, to tired to move anymore. He just snuggles up against him and he's asleep already.

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