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The voice has become more insistent, every time the word has been repeated. 
"Nahhh." he groans and buries his face deeper into his soft, lovely pillow. 
"Eddy, for real. You'll be late to rehearsal."
Okay, that does it. How do you keep your eyes closed when someone says something like that? He opens one eye. 
"Hey." Brett says kindly. "Did you get back to work?"
"Oh. Yeah." Eddy groans again and checks the time. Shit. It's nine thirty. He's got maybe ten minutes to get out of here. "Crap. Did you turn the alarm off?"
"I was up already, was about to head out the door. I guess you turned it off in your sleep again. Sorry I didn't notice sooner."
"Shit. I really have to put the fucking phone in the hallway so I can't do that anymore." Eddy grumps as he sits up and swings his legs over the bed. Brett laughs.
"I'll remind you of that. So. Work, last night?"
"Oh. Yeah. Couldn't sleep yet so I decided to do a bit more."
"What time did you get to bed?"
"Like four?"
The silence makes him look up and he would laugh, if he wasn't too busy trying to get each leg into separate jean halves. Clearly Brett doesn't approve, but he's not saying anything. 
"I've made coffee." he says instead. "Figured you could do with some."
"You're a God." Eddy grunts and he's out of the room already, in search of the divine black liquid that will make him feel like half a human again.
There is coffee in the kitchen, and half a slice of toast with jam that Brett must have left on his plate. Eddy doesn't care. It's sustenance that he doesn't have to prepare. It's between his jaws already as he picks up the large travel mug to fill it with coffee. The drive is around fifteen minutes, if he's lucky. As long as he's out of here in five, he should make it. He half jogs to the bathroom and a few minutes later he's putting on his shoes. Brett rushes past him, on his way to his own rehearsal. 
"Lunch?" Eddy suggests. "I mean, I don't have time to make any."
"Can't. So sorry, but I'm on the other side of the city."
"Fuck, of course. Sorry. Good luck, today."
Something in Brett's eyes makes him remember exactly what Brett is doing today. Some TV programme hired him to play carnival of the animals with a quartet. It makes him snicker to think about. Apparently this girl is going to hop around the musicians in some kangaroo costume or something. 
He'll hate every second of it, but apparently it's pretty well paid.
"Alright. I'll see you tonight? We'll record?"
"Yeah. Unless you're seeing Tory?"
Eddy shrugs as he grabs his violin case and folder. He'll have to go out and get lunch on his own. No problem. Something inside him feels different, despite the embarrassing as fuck evening he had. He's not even that tired now. 
"Maybe she'll be here but we can still work. Oh! Crap!"
Oh, he could kick himself. How did he almost forget that? And now he'll have to explain, and they're both already late enough. He heaves a sigh and hooks his thumbs through his case straps. 
"I have to have dinner with my mum. Courtesy of Tory's phone call."
About ten different emotions flicker over Brett's face, then he watches them get neatly filed away behind this deadpan stare that Brett is getting increasingly good at.
"Okay." Brett says then, and picks up his own violin case. "Mind if I get in here already, start editing?"
"No, of course. I'll be here ASAP."
"Cool. See you tonight then."
Eddy takes off down the sidewalk at a half jog. His car is just around the corner. If traffic isn't too bad he should make it with about a minute to spare.  
"See you tonight!" 

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