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They are just wrapping up when he hears the door. Brett grins as he unplugs the microphone. 
"There you go. Sounds like you're getting laid tonight."
"Wouldn't count on it." Eddy says, swallowing the sigh he feels. "I don't know if she's pissed. I didn't hear from her all day. Maybe I did something wrong last night? Should I have gone with her? She said not to."
"Who knows." Brett shrugs. "I've never been able to work out what women mean when they say not to."
"If you ever do, please enlighten me. Anyway. You got this? I'll go see how she is?"
"Absolutely. I'll save all of this and maybe start a bit of an edit on yesterday's stuff. That good?"
"Of course. Thanks."
Is it because he needs the support? He needs to feel someone first who isn't mad at him? He leans over and waits for him to reciprocate. Brett smiles subtly and he's leaning in, lips touching briefly, just a tiny hint of tongue. It's enough. Eddy smiles too and goes in search of Tory.  

"Hey." he says carefully. She's there by the kitchen, putting down her black leather bag, swishing her long, black hair out of the way so she can look up at him. She's dressed in a black blouse and her tight, blue jeans. He likes those jeans. Her arse looks fantastic in them. "How's your head?"
He walks to her, carefully almost, trying to gauge her reaction. Then she smiles and his heart lifts. 
"Hey." She walks over and kisses him, hard, a kiss that promises something. When she lets go he's a bit shaky. God, she's hot. "I'm okay now."
"Good." he says. "Um. Wanna go grab something to eat? We've just finished filming."
"I brought egg fried rice stuff." she smiles, pointing at the bag she's put on the counter. "Brett is going home, I'm guessing?"
"I'm not sure." Eddy says. His heart lifts further. She's clearly not mad. In fact, she's cooking and he happens to know that her cooking is fucking awesome. Brett knows that too, but he won't stay, he guesses. "I think so though."
"Well, let me know how much rice I need to put in the cooker." She flicks her hair again and turns around. God, she's pretty. Her hair is ramrod straight, of course, and jet black. He knows she wouldn't mind some curls but he likes it like this, he likes how it reaches down to her breasts. He happens to know first hand what that looks like without the blouse on. He grins and turns to go fill Brett in. 

It's around eight when Brett leaves. I mean, of course he could have stayed, nobody would have thrown him out but he cast one look at Tory in her tight clothes, tottering around the kitchen, and waggled his eyebrows at Eddy before getting his shit together and getting the hell out of dodge. 
He's not an idiot. 
So now Eddy is sitting opposite her, digging into the second best fried rice in the world. I mean, nobody's rice beats his mum's, but he'd have to be tortured severely before he would ever utter those words to Tory.
He likes his balls. He wouldn't mind keeping them. 
"So, what did you do today?" he asks once he swallows the huge bite he just took. He takes a sip of the white wine she brought. It's nice, but a little dry.
"Just practised, really. Did some errands. Slept in, first. You?"
"Ah, we did a live stream and then recorded."
"I saw the stream." she smiles subtly. "You looked awful. What time did you get home last night?"
"Thanks." he quips. "I dunno. Not that late. I wasn't drunk or anything."
It's not a lie. He wasn't. There is no need to tell her how drunk Brett was. She nods pensively. 
"I'm curious about your recordings. Anyway. You done eating?"
"I think so. Thanks, Tory. This was awesome." 

A/N So, there's an ongoing issue with Wattpad's notifications. Just a head's up: I always post Mon, Wed and Fri European morning like clockwork :-)
Also, if you could leave a comment whether you got one or not that'd be awesome! 

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