XXXII (last third maybe slightly NSFW)

198 19 4

The bar is even more crowded than last time. Why did he let himself get talked into this again? The Prok concert went great just now but he knows he has one tomorrow too and another the day after that. He should be sleeping, or editing, not standing in a corner after midnight with a beer as he watches Brett dance with some girls. Maybe he should go and dance with him. Snog him some. But as soon as he thinks it a little pinch inside him reminds him of last night. 
Yeah. Maybe not tonight. Not until some more mulling has been done, at least. 
Still, beer number three helps him relax and soon enough he allows himself to be dragged onto the dance floor by Todd. 

Okay, so maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. Beer four is making him see the world very differently and for the first time this week he's not worried about a thing. The music pounds through the space, horrid, trancy music he doesn't like at all but it's okay here because it's only there for dancing, it's only there for forgetting about the rest of the world and being firmly in this one moment.
I mean, why worry anyway? Todd, in the thick of it, has let go of Ian for a millisecond: just enough time to wink wickedly and beckon Eddy with his index finger. Eddy laughs and steps forward, dancing for real now, limbs flailing carelessly. He finds his confidence, courtesy of the alcohol and the beat and he is dipping his head, shaking his hair out, turning around, hips gyrating all the time. Suddenly he finds himself face to face with Tory and for a moment the pounding music seems to slow down and distort. 

"Hey! You came!" he says, somewhat stupidly, but only a second too late. She smiles and drags him further onto the dance floor, deep into the bit where bodies writhe and mingle. 
"To the bar, you mean?" she whispers in his ear in a voice that makes him shiver. "Yes. The other way? Hopefully later."
What is he supposed to do but grin? She looks awesome as well, her fine figure enveloped by a tight, black dress that leaves very little to the imagination. He doesn't miss the guy that ogles her from his right side and it fills him with a modicum of pride. 
She's his. For now, at least, she's his and he pulls her close and kisses her deeply. He can feel her breasts against his sternum and everything he didn't feel the other night he feels now. He grows quickly into his jeans and it must be that he's just slightly drunk because usually he wouldn't be so ballsy but he presses himself into her lower belly, so she knows it too. 
"Hmm." she hums in his ear as she presses her hand between them and cups him. "That good?"
"Fuck, yeah." he hums back and he raises his hand surreptitiously and traces the outline of her nipple through the slinky fabric. It hardens under his touch and she moans. 
God, she's so hot. He could ravish her right on this dance floor. And right then he knows there's no way he should wait until they're home. Is he really going to risk this? But then... isn't waiting until home way riskier? So he glances at her, kisses her once more and whispers. "A breath of air, maybe?"
Is that a moan, he hears? Usually she'd never go for something as sleazy as this but tonight is different, he can feel that. He sees her little nod, just as he sees Brett, behind her, his eyebrows waggling as if there's no tomorrow. Egging him on, clearly. He could laugh out loud. So he takes her hand and leads her towards the exit. 
Why does he look back, when he has the most beautiful girl in the bar in his hands? He's not sure but he does and Brett is there, staring at him, no longer dancing but standing ramrod still in the pulsating throng around him. For the longest second the two boys eye each other, before Brett's lips curl up slowly, almost cynically, in this faux-leery smile he's perfected over the years and his right thumb raises. Then he turns away and goes back to dance with this girl he's been snogging on and off for half an hour. 

Something presses at Eddy, just at the back of his consciousness but he has four beers on board. It's easy to forget things when you're like this. He pulls her close and kisses her so dirtily he gets some looks. He presses his pelvis against her one more time and leads her through the door, out into the night. 

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