When we finally pull away, a breathless silence lingers between us, filled with unspoken emotions. Asher's eyes search mine, a mixture of desire, adoration, and a hint of vulnerability shining in their depths.

"You're my everything, Emma," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the sound of the waves. "I can't imagine my life without you."

I gaze into his eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion reflected in them. "And you're everything to me, Asher," I murmur, my voice filled with love and sincerity.

Before another word can pass between us, our lips meet again in a kiss that ignites a fiery passion between us. This time, there's an urgency in our embrace, a hunger born from the knowledge that every moment together is precious.

His kiss is intoxicating, sending shivers down my spine as his hands roam over my body, igniting a trail of desire wherever they touch. I respond eagerly, my fingers tangling in his hair as I pull him closer, seeking to merge our souls in this moment of raw connection.

The beach around us fades into the background, the world narrowing down to just the two of us, lost in a dance of desire and love. Our bodies press against each other, each touch sparking a cascade of sensations that leaves us breathless and wanting more.

A distant voice calls out Asher's name, pulling him from our blissful bubble.

He stands up reluctantly, his gaze scanning the beach in search of the source of the voice. I try to follow his line of sight, but my vision blurs, like a canvas smudged by unseen hands, distorting the figures beyond recognition.

"Asher, don't leave," I plead, a sense of unease creeping into my heart. "Stay with me."

He hesitates, torn between the unknown voice and my desperate plea.

Then, a sudden shout pierces the air; a sharp sound that echoes like a gunshot.

I jolt awake with a gasp, my heart pounding in my chest.

Reality crashes down on me like a tidal wave, and I'm instantly aware of the hospital room around me. Sweat beads on my forehead and tears stream down my cheeks as I struggle to catch my breath.

Asher is not here. It was all just a dream—a cruel trick my mind played on me.

"Emma, honey." Aiden's voice breaks through the haze of panic, his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

My breath comes in ragged gasps, the remnants of the dream still haunting me like a ghostly specter. Tears stream down my cheeks unchecked, mirroring the storm raging within me.

"You're okay," I hear Aiden say, but I can't shake off the terror of the dream.

"Asher," I manage to choke out between sobs. "Where's him?"

Aiden's expression softens with empathy, but there's an underlying worry in his eyes that he can't conceal. "He's still in surgery, Em. The doctors are doing everything they can."

The mention of surgery sends a fresh wave of fear crashing over me, the memory of the dream merging with the stark reality of Asher's condition. "I need to see him," I whisper, desperation lacing every word.

"Emma, you need to rest." Aiden tries to calm me down, his voice soothing yet firm. "Asher's in good hands, and he wouldn't want you to worry like this."

"I have to make sure he's okay," I plead, my voice rising with panic.

Aiden's grip on my shoulder tightens, his concern evident. "You can't go to him right now, Em. You're not thinking straight."

But the panic overrides all reason, fueling a desperate need to see Asher, to assure myself that he's safe. Ignoring Aiden's attempts to calm me, I push myself up from the bed, my head spinning with dizziness.

"I have to go," I insist, my voice tinged with hysteria. "I can't stay here while he's in surgery."

Aiden moves quickly, trying to gently guide me back to the bed. "Emma, please, you need to listen to reason. "This won't help him or you right now."

But I'm beyond reason, consumed by a primal fear that grips my heart like a vice. "Let me go!" I cry out, struggling against Aiden's attempts to restrain me.

The commotion draws the attention of a nurse, who rushes into the room with a concerned expression. "Is everything alright here?"

"She's just anxious and wants to see her husband who's in surgery, but I'm trying to calm her down." Aiden's voice is strained as he tries to explain the situation to the nurse, his grip on me firm yet gentle.

The nurse assesses the situation quickly, her eyes holding mine. "Let's get you back to bed, Emma," she says soothingly, her tone calm yet authoritative.

But I resist, my panic escalating with each passing moment. "No, I have to go!" I insist, my voice trembling with fear.

The nurse exchanges a knowing glance with Aiden before speaking to me in a calm yet firm tone. "Emma, I understand your concern, but it's important to trust the medical team taking care of your husband. They'll update you as soon as there's any news."

Her words are a lifeline in my stormy mind, but the fear of the unknown keeps me trapped in a cycle of panic. "I can't just sit here," I whisper, my voice breaking with emotion.

The nurse takes a step closer, her demeanor gentle yet resolute. "Emma, I understand, but you need to take care of yourself right now."

As she reaches out to guide me back to bed, I feel a sudden warmth spreading between my legs. Panic surges anew as I realize I'm bleeding. "What's happening?" I ask, my voice trembling.

The nurse's expression shifts to one of concern. "We need to get you examined immediately."

The nurse's urgency snaps me into a heightened state of alertness. I nod, trying to stay composed despite the rising panic within me. Aiden's hand squeezes mine reassuringly as the nurse helps me back onto the bed.

As I lay back, my mind races with fear and questions. The fear for Asher's well-being still grips me tightly, but now there's this added layer of concern for myself and our unborn child. The uncertainty of what's happening to my body amplifies the chaos in my mind.

The nurse calls for additional medical staff, her voice steady but urgent. Within moments, a team of doctors and nurses rushes into the room, their professionalism a stark contrast to my spiraling emotions.

One of the doctors, a calm and reassuring presence, approaches me. "Emma, I need you to stay calm for me. We're going to figure out what's going on, okay?"

I manage a shaky nod, clinging to the doctor's words like a lifeline. Aiden stands by my side, his worry palpable yet masked with a facade of strength.

The medical team quickly but thoroughly assesses my condition. Questions fly at me, and I answer them as best as I can through the haze of fear and uncertainty. The nurse gently examines me, her touch surprisingly comforting despite the circumstances.

As the examination progresses, the doctor's expression shifts slightly, his brow furrowing in concern. "We need to run some additional tests to determine the cause of the bleeding and ensure both you and the baby are okay."

The mention of the baby sends a fresh wave of fear crashing over me. I clutch Aiden's hand tighter, seeking solace in his presence. "Please, make sure the baby is okay," I whisper, my voice trembling.

I don't know what life is trying to throw at me. It feels like everything is spinning out of control, and I don't know what to do.


A/N: Are you guys hanging in there? Can't wait to share the next chapter! What do think it's going to happen next?

Please remember to vote! <3



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