Chapter 6

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The crisp evening breeze wraps around us as we step out of the restaurant, leaving behind the opulent ambiance of Trattoria Amore.

Of all the places Asher could've chosen, this was the last one I expected. The Asher I remember wouldn't be caught dead in such pretentious restaurants. But the tailored suit he's sporting now should've tipped me off.

Yeah, he's looking all shades of hot in that dark suit but this isn't a trip down memory lane.

Walking beside me, Asher remains silent with his hands buried deep in his pockets and his gaze fixed on the ground. I can't help but wonder what's going on in his mind, especially since my own thoughts are in a complete jumble right now.

Before we know it, the sign of Harborside comes into view. The door chime welcomes us in, along with the scent of freshly baked pies and hushed conversations.

"So, Harborside, huh?" I raise an eyebrow, breaking the silence.

He smirks, mischief dancing in his eyes. "After all the hours we spent here, it seemed fitting for a conversation about marriage."

A flush creeps up my cheeks, but before I can react, a waitress approaches.

"Table for two?" She beams at us, gesturing to an empty booth.

"Sure." Asher nods, and we follow her.

As we slide into the booth, the atmosphere changes, becoming more cozy and familiar—almost like stepping into a cherished memory. I've lost count of the times we came here together. We spent hours here talking about everything and nothing.

"Two slices of your signature chocolate pie, please." I steal a glance at Asher as I place my order.

Leaning in, he grins playfully. "Better make it three. You know, just in case someone tries to snatch mine."

"Smart move." The waitress lets out a soft chuckle. "Can I get you guys anything to drink?"

"Two bottles of sparkling water, please," I say, narrowing my eyes playfully at Asher.

"Sure thing, coming right up." She nods.

As she walks away, our eyes lock, and an unspoken connection passes between us.

"Are you sure this is really the place for a serious talk?" I say. "We've had our fair share of heated debates here."

He chuckles a deep and warm sound that sends a flutter through me. "Remember those epic battles over the best pie in the city?" he says.

"Of course." I nod, studying him from the corner of my eye. "Just so we're clear, I was always right."

He rolls his eyes, a familiar exasperation in his gaze. "Stubborn as ever."

"And you've always enjoyed challenging me," I say, my heart skipping a beat as our eyes lock. It's like time hasn't moved, like we're suspended in that old rhythm.

But reality pulls me back to the present, reminding me it's been a long time since we last came here. We're two different people now. Life made sure to change the course of our fate years ago.

So much so he's brought me here to discuss marriage. A business proposition, of all things.

"Here you go." The waitress returns with our desserts, placing them gently before us.

"Thanks," Asher says, offering her a polite smile before she leaves.

Taking a bite of the chocolate pie, I close my eyes for a moment to savor the velvety sweetness on my tongue. "Still as heavenly as I remember."

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