Chapter 16

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It's been two weeks since Asher surprised me with our new home and life couldn't be busier. He's been swamped with work as he adjusts to his CEO role, and I'm consumed with the shelter's rebuilding process, along with my current day-to-day activities.

Yet, he's making sure we see each other every day.

With dinner in hand and a smile on his face, he's been coming to my place every day after work to discuss the wedding preparations and to help me pack.

And of course, spend the night.

So, when the clock strikes eight-thirty in the evening without a sign of him, I shoot a concerned text.

ME: Hey! Is everything all right?

After fifteen minutes pass without a reply, I make myself a sandwich and settle into the living room with my Kindle.

I don't remember falling asleep, but at three in the morning, I wake up with a jolt.

"Asher?" I say, looking around.

Did I hear the door? I get up to check, only to realize I'm alone. Frowning, I grab my phone from the coffee table and see I have a message from him from hours ago.

ASHER: Sorry, I got stuck in a meeting and lost track of time. I'm not sure when I'll be done here.

As I head to my room, a weird feeling invades my chest.

Nah, I'm probably just being silly. I think to myself, chalking it up to late-night paranoia.

My alarm goes off at seven, and my eyes widen when I see the sheer number of notifications on my phone. Frowning, I realize a bunch of strangers tagged me on social media.

Curious, I click on one of them and let out a quick breath when I see what is going on.

Pictures of Asher getting in and out of a restaurant with a woman bombard my phone.

The first thing I notice is that the woman in the photos is stunning with her tall, slender figure, flowing blonde hair, and captivating blue eyes. Her curvy silhouette is perfectly accentuated by her elegant dress, and she exudes confidence and allure that it's impossible to miss.

My heart sinks as I scroll through the photos. They are enjoying an intimate moment together, sharing laughs and appearing rather cozy. Asher looks happy and relaxed in the pictures, and the woman seems to be quite familiar with him.

Then I click on the link and it takes me to a gossip blog sporting pictures of Asher and this woman having a drink together. They are sitting close together in front of the window, her hand resting intimately on his forearm.

As I examine the pictures, a sharp pang of jealousy and insecurity courses through me. Who is this woman? Why hadn't Asher mentioned going out with her? Why does he look so comfortable in her company? Is he trying to get back to me after my lunch with Frank the other day?

Clicking on the comment section, I'm met with a ton of speculations regarding Asher's relationship with the woman. The rumors run rampant, with people suggesting that Asher might be cheating or that the nature of his relationship with this woman is more than platonic.

My heart feels heavy as I contemplate what to do next. I debate whether to call Asher, but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume there must be a reasonable explanation. Maybe they're old friends catching up, or it's a business meeting that I wasn't aware of.

But that doesn't make the knot in my stomach disappear.

Throughout the day, I try to focus on my work at the shelter, but I keep glancing at my phone. I can't help but wonder when Asher will reach out to explain.

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