Chapter 26

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The gentle hum of the private jet fills the cabin as we glide through the sky, en route to a quiet Caribbean island for our honeymoon. Asher is sound asleep in front of me, and for the hundredth time today, I wonder how we ended up here.

Stealing a glance at him, I feel a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. There's a certain vulnerability to him when he's sleeping, a peacefulness that contrasts the tension that had gripped him during the wedding.

His role as the interim CEO has subtly altered him; a change that's more clear in the nuances of his demeanor than in any explicit declaration.

It's like he's using this mask, this shield between him and the world. But he's never used it with me before.

Until today.

As the plane continues its journey, I close my eyes, remembering how handsome he looked today. His vows still echo in my mind, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Emma," he spoke with a steadiness that contradicted the emotion in his eyes.

I've spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, imagining how I would express my feelings to you. Looking back on the path that led us here, one thing is clear—I've loved you from the start. This love has taken hold in my heart like a powerful and unwavering force that has always reassured me we would find each other again. Life has given us a precious opportunity, a blank canvas on which we can create a story that is truly our own. It's a second chance I'm truly grateful for. I've realized that love isn't just a fleeting emotion; it's a commitment, a choice to stand by someone. And I choose you, Emma. I choose to love you. Forever.

For a brief moment, I had my Asher back. His words hung in the air, a testament to the depths of his feelings for me.

In return, I vowed to stand by his side, not just as a companion, but as a steadfast presence through the highs and lows that life would inevitably unfold.

The flight attendant interrupts my thoughts, announcing our imminent landing. Asher stirs awake, his eyes focusing on the attendant.

"Thank you," he murmurs, his gaze shifting to me. There's an unreadable depth in his eyes, a silent conversation that I can't decipher.

The realization of how little we've communicated before and during the wedding tightens in my chest. He surprised me by suggesting we spend Sunday and Monday away, but I can't help but notice how things have changed between us in such a short period of time.

The jet begins its descent, the anticipation of the unknown rising within me. We're embarking on a journey to a tropical paradise and into the uncharted territory of our newly forged marriage. The secrets I'm concealing cast a shadow over our union, and I can't escape the nagging question of how we'll move forward.

As we disembark and slide into a waiting limousine, I notice the breathtaking beauty of our paradise location. Both of us are undoubtedly exhausted, but the allure of exploring this tropical haven tomorrow is too enticing to resist.

Just as I'm about to express my excitement to Asher, I see him pour himself a stiff drink and open his laptop.

My heart sinks as I settle into the plush seat. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah..." He keeps his eyes on the computer as he plugs a pair of wireless earphones into his ears. "There was a problem with our Japanese branch," he says, his voice distant and his eyes absorbed in the virtual world on his laptop.

In silence, I watch him work, the rhythmic tapping of keys creating the only sound around us.

After a moment, the phone in Asher's hand rings, and he answers with a businesslike demeanor I've never witnessed before. I catch snippets of his conversation, tension clear in his tone.

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