Chapter 20

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With a long day ahead, I knew I couldn't go back to sleep after Asher left. So, I took a quick shower and came back to my place to gather a few things.

Now, as I apply some makeup, my thoughts keep going back to him and our upcoming wedding. Last night definitely helped me gain some perspective, but we still have a long road ahead of us.

Surveying my reflection in the mirror, I consider shooting a text to my old therapist. Dr. Terrance helped me a lot during some of the most difficult moments of my life,  so I make a mental note to call him later.

Just as I'm done with my makeup, the doorbell rings, jolting me from my thoughts.

Without thinking much of it, I head to the living room and open the door.

"Emma," my father greets. "Mind if I come in?"

I hesitate, my gaze locked with his. "What are you doing here?"

Ignoring my question, he strides into my living room without an invitation. Panic sets in, and I fumble for my phone on the coffee table, only to realize my battery is dead.

"You and your young man seem quite the happy couple, don't you?" he says, throwing some magazines in front of me.

"What do you want?" I ask, hating that my voice quivering.

"I'm planning to run for governor in New York, and I need your help."

My eyes widen. "What does that have to do with me?"

He takes a step closer, invading all my personal space. "You see, my dear, politics is all about image, and your image as the loving daughter of James Cavendish, a successful businessman, and philanthropist, could do wonders for my campaign. And let's not forget your fiancé, Asher Sullivan, from one of the most influential families in the state. His support could be invaluable."

My heart sinks. I know what my father is getting at. Of course, he would turn my marriage to Asher in his favor. He wants to exploit my marriage to Asher for his political gain, using me as a pawn to project an image of familial virtue and integrity.

"I won't do it," I say, my voice filled with determination.

"You know, my dear Emma." He looms over me, his eyes cold and calculating. "It's a shame those compromising photos from your past can resurface when you least expect it."

My heart sinks as his words hang in the air. He's talking about the photos my abusive ex had taken of me, photos that had haunted my nightmares for years. He had somehow made them disappear, but now he's using them as a weapon against me.

I swallow hard, struggling to find the words to respond.

"And in this digital age, my dear," he continues, "the internet is a treacherous place. One moment, your image and Asher's image are pristine, and the next, they're tarnished beyond repair."

Horror washes over me as I grasp the depth of my father's manipulation. It's not a mere request for cooperation; it's outright blackmail, with those horrifying photos dangling over me like a sword poised to strike.

He leans in closer, his cold breath brushing against my ear. "You wouldn't want those pictures to find their way onto the internet, would you, Emma? I heard Asher just become CEO."

Tears well up in my eyes as I realize I have no choice. My father has trapped me in a web of his making. The weight of his control presses down on me, and I can only manage a choked whisper, "What do you need from me?"

He straightens up, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he senses my vulnerability.

"I knew you'd see reason, my dear," he says, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "You'll attend events with me, give interviews about our close-knit family, and use that newfound relationship with the Sullivans to our advantage. The public loves a perfect family, and we're going to give them exactly what they want."

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