Chapter 27

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I should be at work.

There's a pile of paperwork neatly sitting on my desk, and a few other tasks I need to complete by the end of the day, but I'm craving some fresh air and a momentary escape from this suffocating corporate environment.

My first thought is to call Emma to see if she wants to have lunch with me, but she's been so busy with last-minute preparations for the shelter's reopening that I don't want to bother her. After our honeymoon, we found some sort of new agreement in our relationship. We're not fighting or anything, but there's this new tension between us that's hard to ignore.

Needing a moment to myself, I turn off my phone and leave the corporate chaos behind. Max is throwing me a celebratory dinner at his place tonight, so I give myself the luxury of tuning out the world for a little while since I'll be working late today.

As I wander through the lively streets of New York, I stumble upon a charming art gallery. Entering the place, I'm surrounded by a myriad of emotions captured on canvas. The strokes and colors speak to me in a language only art understands. One small piece, in particular, catches my eye, tugging at the strings of my own experiences.

Amidst the hustle of the business world, the art resonates deeply within me, reminding me of the passion that once fueled my creative pursuits as a photographer. Without hesitation, I decide to purchase it, feeling a profound connection to the artist's expression.

Leaving the gallery with the carefully wrapped artwork, I decide to revisit another old haunt, a small coffee shop in the same vicinity. This one is special, bearing memories of a time when life was simpler.

Stepping into the familiar warmth of the coffee shop, I'm met with an unexpected sight.

Clare, sitting alone in one of the booths.

I stand frozen in place for a second, knowing deep down I already have enough trouble with Emma, and the last thing I need is for the press to catch sight of me and Clare together.

Before I have to leave, she looks up, and our gazes lock. She seems surprised to see me standing here, but soon her face lights up with a smile.

"I'll just say hi and leave," I think to myself. Clare and I have always gotten along well. There's no need for me to be rude.

As I get closer, I see her discreetly running her fingers under her eyes. Shit. Is she crying?

"Asher, hi," she stands up to greet me, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Hey," I clear my throat, trying to put some distance between us.

"What a surprise to see you around these parts..."

"Yeah, I decided to go for a walk for some fresh air and ended up in an art gallery nearby," I smile, pointing to the piece I'm carrying.

"Guess we're both on the same boat." She gives me a small smile. "I'm having one of those days, too."


"Let me get you some coffee." She squeezes my hand and walks to the front desk before I have time to say anything.

Looking around the place, I take a seat and pull my phone from my pocket. For a moment, I consider sending Emma a text, but I end up deciding to tell her I ran into Clare later at home.

"Here you go." Clare slides into the booth in front of me. "Black coffee. No sugar. No cream. Just like the way you like it."

"Thanks." I take a sip of my coffee. "How have you been?"

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