Chapter 21

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I spent the entire morning with Emma, working on a security plan. She reluctantly agreed to the propositions we offered her but I could see she was not happy to have Lincoln as her bodyguard; no matter how much he tried to reassure her he'd be as discrete as possible.

Leaving her to go back to the office was physically painful. There was something off about her. An unfamiliar awareness in her eyes, and a reluctance to meet my gaze.

I've tried to tell her over and over again that she could open up and I'd help her no matter what, but she's resolute she's fine.

Now, as I enter my office I'm surprised to see Max behind my desk. He's frowning at my computer screen and shaking his head at whatever he sees there. I don't know why but it unsettles me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

Max glances up; frustration and irritation evident in his features. "You missed the most crucial meeting we've had in months, Asher. The board is furious."

I run a hand through my hair, my anxiety escalating. "What happened in the meeting?"

He scoffs, wheeling his chair to face me directly. "You weren't here, and I had to step in. We were negotiating a major merger deal, and your absence jeopardized everything."

My stomach churns. I never intended to let anything harm the company but I panicked when I thought Emma was in danger.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the note I received earlier today and hand it to him, who unfolds it, scanning the words.

The room falls silent as he reads it, and I can see a myriad of emotions crossing his face – from disbelief to concern.

"I got it this morning from the courier service," I explain. "Someone was bold enough to bypass security and leave me this."

Max looks up from the note, his expression conflicted. "Why would someone do this?"

"I don't know..." I run my fingers through my hair. "But Emma wouldn't answer her phone so I panicked and went to her place to check on her."

His jaw tightens, and he hands the note back to me. "This doesn't excuse your absence from the meeting, Asher. We had no idea where you were and we're dealing with a major merger. The board needs your leadership. You could've sent someone else to check on her."

I look at him in disbelief. "Are you fucking serious?"

He exhales sharply, avoiding my gaze. "I'm just saying your actions have consequences, Asher. And now the board is questioning your commitment, so if we lose this merger, it's on you."

I clench my jaw, his words cutting deep. "I'm doing my fucking best here, but–"

"You're unbelievable." His voice rises, echoing through the room. "You could've solved this differently. You could've let someone else handle the security situation with Emma while you attended the meeting. The board trusted you. I trusted you. And you let everyone down."

I grit my teeth, refusing to let him see how much his words affect me. "I won't apologize for putting the woman I love first."

Max's expression darkens, resentment flashing in his eyes. "It's the first time I've heard you say it out loud."

I glare at him, my frustration boiling over. "This was a direct threat to her safety, Max. I couldn't risk waiting for someone else to handle it. I could've never imagined you'd not care about her safety."

"You think I don't care about Emma's safety?" He scoffs. "I've always been there for her. Always."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. The silence between us is thick, charged with unspoken tension. I take a deep breath, trying to contain the anger simmering beneath the surface. "I don't know what else you want me to say, Max."

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