Y6 ~ Gryffindor Team

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"Where's?" Y/N questioned Hermione and Ron expecting Harry to have been with them by now. She knows they just argued not too long ago but didn't mean she didn't still care about him. "Are you sure we should go without him?"

"He probably went ahead," said Hermione. "Hop on the carriage, now- here, I'll take Hedwig." Y/N handed Hermione Hedwig's cage and stepped onto the carriage.

Bo suddenly jumped up and down on her shoulder in alert, squeaking faintly. Hermione had given Bo back and placed her back on Y/N shoulder, Hermione begged Y/N if she could babysit her puffball during the train ride to which Y/N agreed. She didn't mind, Hermione had returned her back to Y/N after see reunited with her and Ron.

"What is it, Bo?" Y/N asked the puffball, but when she had a good look around her, she was terrified. Her Puff facing the towards the train. "Don't worry Bo that's just a train you'll be alright," as she sat down on the seat of the carriage.

Her puff was trying to warn Y/N of Harry still on that train, sensing him however Y/N didn't know and just consoled her Puff before continuing her conversation with Hermione, Ron, and Neville. They finally arrived at the gate entrance to the castle and hopped off the carriage, holding onto their pets.

"Name, please," said tiny Professor Flitwick, who was holding a scroll of names longer than his height.

"Hermione Granger."

"Ron Weasley."

"Y/N Loveblood, and has Harry arrived, sir?"

"Which Harry?" Asked Professor Flitwick in a professional tone.

"Sir, you know which Harry," Y/N smiled.

"There are many Harry's in this school, Miss Loveblood ," Professor Flitwick declared.

"Harry James Potter," Y/N said patiently.

"Harry Potter has not yet arrived," squeaked
Professor Flitwick.

"Well, I'm going back to find him." Y/N made a spin back towards the carriages, but Hermione and Ron got hold of each of her arms.

"Not so fast," said Hermione.


"To the Great Hall you go," Flitwick said with a sigh.

"Yes, sir." Ron and Hermione nodded firmly and dragged Y/N into the castle. Y/N was still worried for her friend, in the end the three had arrived inside the Great Hall, where the sorting ceremony had already started.

"How can you be so calm?" Y/N hissed, as she was forced to sit down, sandwiched between Ron and Hermione.

"I'm not calm," said Hermione, "but we can't freak out. He'll get in trouble if the professors find out he's missing"

Y/N sat there shaking her leg for a good fifteen minutes, still looking around anxiously when the food appeared in front of her. Even Draco had arrived after Y/N and her friend, but still no signs of Harry.  That's when Hermione got worried, too. She didn't touch her food and was glancing around every ten seconds.

"Dis is 'o good," Ron grumbled happily, shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth. Hermione sat there and glared at him, before grabbing her book-

"Will- you- stop- eating-!" Hermione scolded, hitting him with her book in between each word. "Your best friend is missing!"

"Turn around, you lunatic." Ron scowled, rubbing his shoulder.

Y/N whipped her head around to see Harry hurrying into the hall. He had blood all over his face and the front of his robes, and was trying to cover it up with an ice pack that was in his hand.

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