Y6 ~ Birthday Surprises

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"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" Hermione yelled shaking the girl that was sleeping peacefully in bed.

"Wha-? Nuh- Mione- wh- what-?"

"Hermione, you're going to shake the guts out of her!" Said Ron

"I think she's awake now Hermione-?" Harry said slightly concerned for Y/N from all the shaking.

Hermione finally stopped shaking Y/N and let go of her shoulders, Y/N yelped and her head sank back into her pillow.

"Our exam results are here!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling Y/N's arm. "Get up, Y/N-!"

"You're going to scare her to death before she gets those results," said Ron, as he and Harry watched from afar.

"Hey, Harry." Y/N muttered at the raven haired boy, giving him a soft smile.

"Hey," Harry cocked his eyebrows, grinning at her knowing this was her way to say thank you for staying with her all night comforting her.

"What are you heying about?" Hermione bellowed, shooting Harry a look. "The owls are waiting!" Hermione yanked her up from the floor and practically dragged the three of them down the stairs.

"GOLD WAX SEALS," Hermione exclaimed, as she approached the four owls that sat on the windowsill. Y/N laughed and shook her head, before taking her letter and ripping off the golden wax seal Hermione was all crazy about.

'Pass Grades:
Outstanding (0)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Y/N Loveblood has achieved:
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
Ancient Runes: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

Y/N read the parchment through several times, her breathing becoming easier each reading. Ron and Harry were swapping parchments andHermione was no longer pale.

"Mione, how'd you do?" Y/N asked her.

"I- not bad," Hermione whispered, as Y/N swapped their papers. Y/N scanned through Hermione's paper and let out a scoot when she saw nine 'O's and an 'E' just like herself!

"You did brilliant, Y/N," Said Harry, looking over Hermione's shoulder to see Y/N's results.

"Of course she got an 'O' for Care of Magical Creatures." Ron grinned, poking his head over Hermione's other shoulder. Y/N chuckled at his comment.

"I guess you can blame Hagrid, his love for mystical creatures rubbed off on me.

"No kidding," said Ron.

"Well done, everyone!" Mrs Weasley beamed, ruffling
Ron's hair after she'd read his results.

"Now go changed we'll head out the Diagon Alley in a bit,"

The quartet up quickly to get changed, surprisingly Y/N didn't see at all that morning. She was probably avoiding Y/N which she was half from because she didn't want to bump into Ginny anytime soon. Y/n slipped on a random outfit out of her bag and got dressed, after finishing dressing up she noticed Harry and herr were the last ones ready. However when they glanced at each other they noticed the house had gone quiet. So they quickly headed downstairs confused at the silence. Hoping everyone was be waiting for them ... or possibly, they had left to Diagon Alley without them.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N and Harry!!"

A rain of gold confetti shot from Ron and Hermiones wand and was thrown into the air. It rained all over Y/N and Harry. Y/N froze in her spot at the loud and abrupt cheer in the kitchen and slowly realized... It was their birthday. Everyone was beaming gleefully and were all seated around the dining table. Then, she met Harry's eyes. He was wearing a flannel and had a huge grin on his face. Suddenly, Harry slyly wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest, turning around so his back was facing the dining table and gave her one long hug which she gladly returned and harried her face in his chest. However was short lived due to Ron.

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