Y5 ~ Will You Be Mine

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"Miss Loveblood?" said a calm voice from behind
Y/N and Remus. They turned around to see Dumbledore approaching them, with Harry trailing behind him quietly.

"Do you mind coming back to the castle with Harry right now?" Dumbledore asked, his voice smooth and straight forward.

"Right now, sir?" Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows. "What about the reporters? Won't they want to ask Harry questions? It seems they want to interview me view as well. I hear my name being called as well" She looked over his shoulder at the crowd of flashing cameras and yelling reporters behind them.

"The reporters will have to learn to respect a child's privacy," Dumbledore replied. "Now, you two, take this portkey-" He handed Harry the head of one of the golden statues that had been wrecked.

"But sir, aren't you coming with us?" Harry asked.

"I have to have a conversation with the Minister of Magic," Dumbledore said, motioning to Fudge, who was standing still in his spot being flooded by reporters. "I will meet you two back in my office in fifteen minutes."

"Now for the rest of you students will be sent back to Hogwarts by another portkey," said Dumbledore. "I need to talk to Y/N and Harry about tonight." The rest of the gang smiled and gave one last glance to the pair before disappearing with their own portkey.

"Now... the portkey leaves in ten seconds." said Dumbledore, looking at Harry and Y/N with his sparkling eyes. Y/N quickly grabbed onto the golden head as
Dumbledore counted down. Taking one last glance at Remus, giving him a tired half smiled before disappearing.


Y/N's feet hit solid ground, but didn't fall over. Cedric had taught her how to land after using a portkey, now just a distant memory. Harry however buckled over and fell to the floor less gracefully then Y/N. Harry dusted himself off as he got off the floor as the portkey fell on the floor. She looked around and saw that they had arrived in Dumbledore's office. Everything seemed to have repaired itself during the Headmaster's absence. The silver instruments stood once more on spindle-legged tables, and the portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses were snoozing in their frames, all sound asleep.

"Fifteen minutes, Dumbledore said?" Harry asked

Y/N stood in silence trying to process the events, not answering Harry's question. She seems to be to tired to even speak. She didn't have enough time to grieve over her fathers death, her thoughts were cut short as Harry quickly grabbed her with one strong hand and drew her towards him. It was so abrupt that her body collided with his a little too roughly. Harry hugged her tightly close to his body as he hurried his face into her hair as Y/N did the same into his chest. No more tears left to shed, but held to one another. All they wanted in that moment was comfort and could only be obtained by one another in that moment. They finally pulled away at the same time, but continued to cling on each other's arms.

"Harry, I'm scared...I'm scared of what's to come of us as we continue to move forward with all this ." Y/N said, tilting her head slightly looking up to Harry.

"I don't know what's to come of us and the world knowing Voldemort is back, but I do know that I will be with you every step of the way," Harry said, grabbing one of her hands, "we'll just have to continue moving forward...together...like we've always done."

"Okay" Y/N said looking down sighing deeply.

"You know...I was so worried about you after what Bellatrix did, that I assumed the worst and fearing I couldn't protect you-"

"I-I know...but I guess we just have to be ready for more moments like that to occur to us now. We are 'The Chosen Ones' whatever that means. We just have to live with this curse that's how our life will be from now on," Y/N said slightly shrugging.

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