Y4 ~ The Dark Mark

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Thousands of tents stretched to the edge of the steep cliff, cascading down to the deep bowl of a stadium. The air was alive with the buzz of excitement, the tents like colorful flowers in a vast, bustling meadow. Y/N glanced about in fascination as she and the others trudged through the sea of tents, the exotic accents of various nationalities dancing upon the air. She and Harry lagged slightly behind the Weasleys, momentarily getting lost in the crowd, but they finally caught up with the rest of the group.

"Ah, here it is! Our tent..." Mr. Weasley had stopped in front of a tent the size of a closet.  Mr. Weasley pulled aside the flap of the small tent. Y/N watched curiously as the Weasleys were already entering the tent excitedly. Y/N and Harry exchanged confused glances.

"Er... are you sure we'll all fit?" Harry asked hesitantly, eyeing the tent. With Bill, Charlie, and Percy yet to arrive, they would be a party of eleven. The tent looked like it could barely fit three grown wizards.

Mr. Weasley chuckled. "Of course, Harry! We'll be a bit cramped, but we'll manage." He then turned to the two Diggorys with a smile. Y/N gave Harry one last look and shrugged, still puzzled by the whole tent situation.
"Well, thanks for the company, Amos. We'll be partying now, but we hope to see you at the game or maybe at the after-party?"

"Of course, Arthur," Amos chuckled.

"It was nice to meet you all. We'll see you soon!" Amos waved and disappeared into the crowd. Mr. Weasley ducked inside the tent himself.

"Goodbye, Y/N," Cedric said flirtatiously, grabbing Y/N's hand and gently raising it to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on the top of her hand. His gaze remained fixed on hers, causing a rush of blood to her cheeks. She looked shyly away, muttering a soft "bye." Cedric smiled, satisfied with her reaction, and followed his father through the crowd. Y/N turned to Hermione, who squealed with excitement at the moment Y/N and Cedric had just shared. Hermione quickly grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her inside the tent excitedly, leaving a slightly annoyed Harry behind.

"Well, don't be shy, Harry, come have a look," Mr. Weasley said, popping his head out of the tent flap again when Harry hesitated.

Harry ducked under the tent flap and stepped inside. His jaw immediately dropped. Inside the closet-sized tent was a spacious three-room flat, complete with a bathroom and kitchen. It was obviously magicked to be ten times the size it appeared from the outside. It could undoubtedly fit all of them and more.

"I love magic," Harry said in awe.

"I agree," Y/N giggled, catching Harry's comment as she took a seat on a sofa by Ginny and Hermione.

"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack," Mr. Weasley said. Ginny laughed as she hit Hermione with a pillow.

Hermione squealed loudly and burst into giggles. Ron was already rummaging through the kitchen.
"Get out of the kitchen, Ron, we're all hungry," Mr. Weasley said sternly.

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!" Fred and George chorused, sitting on dining chairs with their feet on the table and hands behind their heads.

"Feet off the table!" Mr. Weasley scolded.

"Feet off the table!" the twins sang, putting their feet down. But as soon as Mr. Weasley left, they put them back up again.

"Y/N, Harry, choose a bunk for yourselves, and we can go find some lunch," Mr. Weasley said kindly to the two of them, then disappeared into his own room at the back of the tent. Harry moved closer to Y/N, who was enjoying watching the girls' pillow fight, smiling at their joyful antics.

"Wanna share a bunk?" Harry asked Y/N with a grin.

"Sure," Y/N shrugged. "Hermione and Ginny will be sharing one, and I know Ron snores. No offense."

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