Y3 ~ The Study Room

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"Well, that was a great start to a new school year," Y/N started with a sigh, trying to gain back some body heat by rubbing both her hands across each arm.

Moments earlier, the train suddenly came to an abrupt stop and jolted her into her seat, with a sudden drop in the temperature. But as quickly as the lights and temperature drop was as quickly as, everything went back to normal. Y/N saw a man who seemed to be too old to be a student walking in the direction of the conductor. Probably to talk to him about what just happened. 'He's probably the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Hopefully, he's not like our previous professor, Gilderoy Lockhart. Hopefully, he is self-centered and cares about teaching us for a change,' Y/N thought.

After a few minutes, the train began its way towards Hogwarts once again, and in a few moments' time, we arrived but with a great downpour of rain. Y/N didn't mind, and she always enjoyed a little rain. Quickly gathering her things, she headed towards a carriage luckily barely being drenched by the rain. However, not so lucky to be in a carriage filled with pure first-year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws the entire ride back to Hogwarts. They were loud and asking constant questions about Hogwarts, quidditch, and who knows what else. The cherry on top of the night was their failed attempts to flirt with Y/N, which she ignored until they reached their destination. When looking out the window, they approached Hogwarts Castle; Y/N still felt a sense of amazement and awe each time she saw the castle, like during her first year at Hogwarts. It never got old; it just reminded her of the luck bestowed upon her to have been born a witch. This allows her to remain positive about the outlook of her life, even with her unknown past.

Once arriving at Hogwarts, Y/N walked towards the dining hall and sat at the Gryffindor table, which, as you can guess, was the house the hat had sorted her in her first year. Looking back on that day still comes as a shock to her due to her nature, but she wouldn't have it any other way. After sitting down, she sat near the end of the Gryffindor table closer to the Great Hall's doors; she planned to eat and head to the Gryffindor common rooms before it got too crowded and organized her things in the girl's dormitory; she, however, was flabbergasted when greeted by the Weasly twins who decided to sit across from her suddenly. The two usually sat near the middle with the group Y/N called the golden trio of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, along with other rambunctious individuals whom she didn't know personally. Y/N was a great observer of her surroundings and was one of the many things she picked up over the years.

"Why, Hello there, Little Lady," said the twin on the right as he adjusted himself in his seat.

"We have never met before," said the one at the left as he crossed his arms and placed them over the table, allowing him to lean forward and meet Y/N at eye level since they were quite taller than her.

"I'm Fred," said the right twin. "And I am George," stated the left twin, pointing to himself.

"You're very beautiful," they stated in unison, shocking Y/N with their boldness.

"Oh, um, thank you." Y/N blushed, not knowing what to do, so she just fiddled with her hands underneath the table. Slightly shifting her gaze away from the two.

"I actually know who you two are, the Weasley twins. I just wouldn't be able to point out which one is which since I don't know you guys all that well. I've seen the pranks you pull on Mr.Filch. They're pretty funny," Y/N slightly giggled remembering the time they turned Mr.Filch's cat pink from a pastry they had given her when Filch wasn't looking.

He was obviously pretty furious about the whole situation, trying to find the culprit, but failed to do so. Y/N was lucky enough to be passing that day since she was heading towards the library to study, she caught a glimpse of the twins in a corner, hiding and laughing at their work. Y/n shook her head disapprovingly but still smiled as she continued walking.

The Two Who Lived [Harry Potter x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin