Y3 ~ Draco Malfoy? Friends?

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In the morning, as dawn painted the corridors with a soft glow, the students were finally allowed to retreat to their dorm rooms. Moving through the silent halls, Y/N couldn't help but notice the hushed whispers and the newfound habit of students sticking together in clusters. It had become the norm ever since Sirius Black's breach of Hogwarts. Walking in groups provided a semblance of security, a shield against the lingering fear of another intrusion. No one could predict if Black would attempt to strike again.

Nevertheless, life at Hogwarts persisted, and classes resumed their usual rhythm. Today, the quartet had Defense Against the Dark Arts, a subject Y/N hoped would inject a bit of levity into the somber atmosphere for her and her friends. Professor Lupin's lively teaching style often managed to lift spirits. Moreover, anticipation was building for tomorrow's first Quidditch match of the season: Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. Excitement was bound to sweep through the student body. It would be Y/N's inaugural experience at a Quidditch game, a moment she eagerly anticipated, especially after enduring Harry's and Ron's passionate explanations of the sport's intricacies.
Their fervor had not only turned her into a Quidditch expert but also deepened her bond with them. Understanding their passion had become a means to connect on a profound level, fostering a stronger friendship. And so, Y/N had decided to attend Gryffindor's opening match, much to the delight of Harry and the Twins, who were eager to showcase their skills and prove themselves as the finest players Hogwarts had ever seen.

Arriving at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Y/N pushed open the door with enthusiasm, expecting the warm smile of Professor Lupin to greet her. Instead, she was met with an empty room, filled only with students settling into their seats. Disappointment crept over her as she made her way to her desk, flanked by Harry and Ron. Hermione, with her time-turner, would join them soon. However, any anticipation was shattered by the abrupt entrance of Snape, who barged in and darkened the room with the swift closure of blinds and the unrolling of a projector screen.

"Turn to page 394" Snape said. It was as if Hermione appeared next to Y/N on cue. The two girls gave each other knowing looks as Hermione proceeded to take out her textbook from her bag.

"Excuse me, sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked.

"That's not really your concern is it, Potter?" Snape walked to the back of the classroom, "Suffice it to say that your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394."

'Why was he always attacking Harry?' Y/N thought. Y/N slowly began to notice after becoming close with Harry that Snape always seemed to show aggression towards Harry, or seemed to try to get him in trouble in every possible moment he could. Snapes' antics always seemed odd to Y/N, 'what did Harry ever do to him?' Y/N thought. But her thoughts were distracted by the sound of Hermione gasping when she turned to page 394.

"Werewolves? But sir, we've just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beast for weeks."

"Quiet" Snape muttered.

Y/N heard Ron whisper to Harry "When did she come in? Did you see her come in?" Y/N just tried to suppress her giggles with the palm of her hand at their confusion, 'they're so gullible if only they'd paid more attention they'd noticed Hermione's obvious appearances.'

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Snape asked dryly. Hermione raised her hand. "No one? How disappointing."

Hermione scoffed "Please sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, A werewolf has no choice. Once a werewolf transforms they have no control over what they do. He'd kill his best friend if they crossed paths. Furthermore a werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind."

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