Y3 ~ Trio to Quartet

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Hermione smacked Ron's arm harshly and said, "You can't just blurt that out, especially to a girl, you idiot. Be more considerate."

"Ow! Hermione, that hurt! You didn't have to hit me so hard" Ron complained as he rubbed the area Hermione smacked him hoping to relieve some pain.

"Serves you right, you need to know when it's appropriate to voice your thoughts," she huffed, crossing her arms looking away from him, and returning her attention once again towards the direction of Harry. Harry finally began to speak after Hermione and Ron's banter came to an end.

"Sorry about them, we were expecting to see Hagrid opening the door instead," trying to explain their sudden appearance at the door. "Hagrid told us to meet him here today a couple of days ago, to ah help him with something," stuttered mid-sentence as if preventing himself from explaining any further.

Along with a slight blush dusted on his face, as can also be seen on Y/N's face. First thoughts, 'he's hot (talking about Harry),' Y/N thought. Then everything clicked in Y/N's mind; before Hagrid headed out, they were having a discussion about her struggling to find friends and he stated he'd help her with that. Sighing and then slightly chuckling, Y/N steps aside, opening the front door wider.

"Well I know why, please come in Hagrid wouldn't mind me allowing you guys in? He speaks fondly of you three, so no need to introduce yourselves. I know who you are."

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in one by one they took a seat around the table Y/N previously was sitting while she brought more cups from the kitchen cabinet and placed them on the table. Pouring each a cup of tea, elegantly. No one dared to break the silence and instead gaze at the enchanting girls' every move. Once Y/N finished pouring the tea she placed the kettle back on the fire to maintain it warm and then returned to take a seat between Hermione and Ron.

"Sorry, that was rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Y/N Loveblood, and I'm a Gryffindor. Same as you guys."

Hermione quickly stood up and unintentionally placed both her hands on the table, slightly shaking the table and leaning her body forward towards Y/N, causing Y/N to catch a glimpse of a beautiful gold necklace.

"You're the girl who I'm always competing against! You're always acing every subject in our classes. I didn't know it was you!"

Harry then interrupted and asked, "Competing against what do you mean, Hermione?" As Harry spoke, Ron slightly murmured to Hermione to take a seat.

"Right, sorry. It's more like I've mentally created the idea of competing against Y/N. I'm always checking in with our professors about my scores on exams, and they always bring up that Y/N and I are among the brightest students they've ever had, especially because we were in the same year. Always facing our exams, but I've never had the chance to meet her in person. I only knew her name. And finally, I get to meet this mysterious person, and it turns out she has been in our same house this entire time" now taking her attention from Harry towards Y/N. However, was interrupted by Ron.

"How come we've never seen you before, I wouldn't have guessed we were in the same classes or in the same year from what Hermione is saying." Ron finished.

"Well, I don't do much once class is over. I spend most of my time in the Library, or as you can see in Hagrid's home. During breakfast and dinner, I sit closer to the Great Hall's doors and head to bed before everyone else. It's just been a routine for me really, it's not that I want to avoid people, it's just something I got accustomed to doing. Plus in the dorm rooms, I always close all my curtains. I like privacy when I sleep" Y/N said in a calm voice.

"So you the girl who sleeps with the curtains covering you, no wonder. Thats why I never get to see your face. You wake up before all of us do and sleep before we do. Thats why I've never caught a glimpse of your face," Hermione added to which Y/N chuckled at her analytical being.

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