Y5 ~ Hagrids Back

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The dream of the hallway at the Ministry started.

In the reflection of the titles, Y/N could see herself. She was clearly in the Ministry of Magic since she had been there once with Remus. However it wasn't Y/N who saw herself in the reflection. It was a snake, the same snake from third year. The one that belonged to Voldemort.
Sirius's words echoed throughout her head.

"Voldermort may be after something. Something he didn't have last time." Sirius said in a low voice.

Then upon seeing a door she had never personally seen, as they entered Arthur Weasly can be seen standing with his back facing against Y/N as he hand his wand under in the air until he slowly tired around to get a closer look at the sound until the snake as in herself jabbed at him. Biting him multiple times until he was severely injured. As Mr.Weasley fell to the floor all that can be heard are his whimpers. His clothes are soaked by the blood as he slowly closes his eyes, seeming to lose consciousness. The life slowly slipping out of his eyes to this Y/N quickly shot out of bed in a frantic panic.

"Ron!" Y/N shouted waking up Hermione.

"Y/N? What's going on?" Hermione said groggily, being woken by Y/Ns shouting . But before she could get an answer Y/n had  ran out the girls dorm room and heading towards the boys dorm room, but from the looks of it seemed Harry too had the same dream as he could see along with Ron rushing down their set of stairs as the giving Y/N knowing looks as the three rushed to Dumbledore's office along with Professor Magonagal.

It was about an hour later as the rest of the Weasley's siblings, Professor Magonagol, and Snape were called to Dumbledore's office after being explained about the dream both Y/N and Harry simultaneously had that night.

"In the dream, were you standing next to the victim?" Dumbledore asked me.

"I was a- it was more of a- Professor, will you please just tell me what's happening?" Harry responded.

Dumbledore ignored me and walked over to a portrait. "Arthur was the only one on guard tonight." He whispered. "Make sure hes found by the right people."

"Professor." Y/N said to get his attention. No luck. He walked across the room to another portrait.

"Phineas, go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place. Tell them that Arthur is gravely injured and his children will be arriving there soon by portkey."

"Professor." Harry said taking a turn in trying to achieve obtaining Dumbeldores attention.

The portrait he had spoken to before came back. "They found him. It was close, but they think he'll make it."

Dumbledore began mumbling to himself and I couldn't take it anymore.

"LOOK AT US!" Both Harry's and Y/N shouted at Dumbledore after both feeling a surge of anger, anger that didn't seem to be their own.

Dumbledore with a shocked expression finally turned towards the two.

"What's happening to us?" Y/N pleaded afraid as she grabbed Harry's arm.

"Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even till the morning. Otherwise, we'll be vulnerable."

Snape nodded and grabbed both their arms as he led them to the potions classroom and ignored all of my questions as to what was happening or why he was taking us. It wasn't until we got down to the classroom and he shoved us to sit down as he finally said something.

"It seems there is a connection between the dark lord's mind and your own. The both of you. Whether he is as yet aware is unclear. Pray he remains ignorant."
Snape pulled out a set of vials, mixers, and colored liquids.

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