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Once you saw that the boys seemed to have gotten over their initial shock about the information Grimes had, you thought it would be okay to ask Yunho for that talk he promised you. You found him in his and Yeosang's tent going through some things.

"Are you gonna tell me about this cult now?" You asked, taking a seat on the bedroll.

Yunho turned around when you spoke, sighing as he remembered what he had said. "It's a long story." He told you.

"I have time." You said, patting the spot next to you.

He gave you a grin, taking a seat behind you instead. You smiled softly, leaning back into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer.

"On the outskirts of Aurora, there's this small compound called Strickland." He began. "It's run by some guy named Z who acts as mayor basically. It has a lot of things inside it that can have it pass as its own town, honestly–has a city hall and academy. It's self sustainable, basically."

"However, it's not at all what one sees from the outside." You felt Yunho drop his head onto yours, tucking you under his chin.

"I'm assuming that's where the cult is hiding. Within the compound?" You spoke up.

"It's the entire compound, actually." Yunho told you. "Sciensalver is the cult run by this chemist."

"A chemist? Why?"

"Because he's trying to create a drug to turn people into emotionless capsules." Yunho tightened his grip on your stomach for a moment before letting go.

It was obvious the boys all had their anger against whoever this cult was. You didn't have any information with them, but if they were trying to make people do things against their will, it was obvious they were the worst kinds of criminals. You scoffed at the idea of them just living their life while your boys had to scavenge for food and find a place that wouldn't turn them in to the police.

"Within the compound, the police of Aurora won't dare to get involved. They just turn a blind eye to them." He added.

You began to think of Klein and how he was involved in the whole thing. Hongjoong was right when he said people change. However, to change so drastically to the point where he wanted to command people? That was something different all together. What could Klein possibly need emotionless citizens for?

"But then why would the mayor of Cromer be involved with them?" You asked.

"We'd have to ask Klein himself." Yunho answered.

It had been a while ago when Klein first raised the taxes. It was a hardly noticeable incline two years ago. Your parent's thought nothing of it because the city was growing and things needed to get done in order to have a better infrastructure. However, in the past year, he's raised taxes once every month.

It wasn't so long ago that the taxes raised 2 percent from the last billing. You could only imagine how much it would be this coming month. People were starting to complain, but the mayor was refusing to hold a town meeting over it. The citizens weren't getting answers and you were starting to figure out why.

"What's going through your pretty head?" He asked, after he noticed how quiet you had gotten. He placed his chin on your shoulder, rubbing your cheek with his.

"Ever since Klein appointed a new judge, he started raising the taxes. Slowly at first, but he must be getting greedy." You explained.

"Who's the judge?" Yunho asked.

"Thomas Quaid, he's been judge for two years maybe?" You pondered. "A bit more."

"Where's he from?" Yunho frowned, scooting over a bit to look at you properly.

"Aurora." You spoke quietly.

Thomas Quiad was appointed judge around the same time Klein first started raising taxes. While you had only met him in person when you married Yeosang the other day, you had heard from your parents the kind of campaign he was running to be appointed county judge.

"I don't think Klein is taking money from the people without knowing where it's going. He has been one of the greatest mayors Cromer has ever had. He would never take from the poor when he himself knows what it's like." You explained.

"And?" Yunho shrugged.

"I think Quaid has something to do with Sciensalver. He's probably feeding Klein lies." You answered.

"We'll add it to the plan." He hummed, scooting back behind you.

He moved his hands to your hips, wanting you to turn around to face him. Instead, you only turned to your side, tucking your head under his chin as your legs fell over his thighs.

You began to think to yourself about how much Yunho seemed to know about that man. This was part of their backstory. The reason they all came together. They had something to do with the Black Pirates–of which you still had no clue of–but you figure they were the group trying to take down Strickland.

This was your chance at finding out more of their story. You held yourself back so many times, but you were a part of their family now and families knew everything about each other. Just like you told them your story, you wanted to learn about theirs.

"Yunho?" You asked quietly.

"Yes, Angel?" He hummed.

"How do you guys know all this about Strickland?" You asked.

Yunho sighed, placing a hand on your thigh to pull you closer. "We were born into it."

"Our families all had ties to Strickland–they were a part of the compound." He began. "It was sad because most of the people there have no clue, but we knew the truth. They don't know about what their so-called mayor is doing to people."

"The Black Pirates captured Yeosang once, so we all went to rescue him. It was where we learned about the stuff they were making inside. So we joined with the black pirates to help them take down Sciensalver." He explained.

"Things were fine for a while, but we got caught taking information we weren't supposed to. That's why we went our separate ways a year ago. Cromer was gonna be our rendezvous point after everything blew over. However, Mingi and Joong became outlaws, so that was a mayor problem." He snickered at the end.

You turned around in his lap, legs straddling his waist. "But you guys made it work." You smiled.

"Yeah, we always do." He told you softly. "We've been doing this for a long time."

"We start the plans now." Hongjoong called from outside the tent. You both turned as he opened up the flap. "Everything has changed with this new information."

He turned around, grinning at you. "Princess? Mind helping?"

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