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You wouldn't necessarily consider yourself a light sleeper, having grown up sharing a room with a sibling or two. You were easily woken up by the slightest noises if you weren't extremely tired. And being sat down in the middle of the room, handcuffed to a chair watching the 8 men bicker you wondered how heavy the other guests actually sleep. It was a wonder you were the only one who woke up to their ruckus.

Two of the men were talking in harsh whispers with the tall cop, while the rest seemed to be fussing over the two who were injured. From what you could see stuck directly between the two beds, the one sitting up in bed was bleeding profusely from his shoulder. The other who laid groaning seemed to be a different case as he kept his hand pressed to his side.

While two new men and the stern cop from earlier were arguing with the pink haired man clenching his shoulder, you kept your eyes on the man who was starting to sweat. Your eyes landed on his blackened fingers, scrunching up your nose as you thought about his dirty hands touching his wound.

"You're going to infect the wound." You told him, trying to scoot closer to take a better look.

The man's hair was sticking to his forehead as his breaths were labored. He glanced over to you, causing you to pause just a bit as you took in his unnatural beauty. What caught your attention was the birthmark he had on the side of his eye that seemed to make everything about him more ethereal.

His mouth was open as he tried his best to suck in some air into his lungs without causing more pain. Just as he lifted a hand to ask for something, one of the other males noticed you speaking to his injured comrade.

"What are you doing?" He glared, scooting your chair back to its original spot.

"He's going to get his wound infected if he keeps touching it with dirty hands." You spoke, scrunching up your nose as you thought about that kind of wound. You looked over to the other injured one. "And he's going to bleed out if you don't put something."

"What do you know-"

"She's right." The man laying on the bed panted. "Wrap Mingi's shoulder in something to stop the bleeding."

You watched as they all stared at the man, waiting for him to tell them more on how to wrap a shoulder.

"Look for something!" He groaned.

The two, along with the police officer, began to look around the room, trying to come up with an idea of what to use. You frowned as you watched them begin to bicker with each other again.

"Just use the sheets." You told them exasperated.

They nodded to themselves before moving the pink haired man to get the sheets he was occupying. When he stood to his full height, you had to crane your neck to look up at him. He didn't seem to be in much pain compared to his friend, but by the clenched jaw he had something going on.

They moved over to Mingi to start wrapping the sheet around his shoulder, which only got a roll of your eyes. They didn't even bother to take his clothes off to do it properly. When you glanced over at the beautiful man, he had his lips pursed as annoyance seemed to creep into his face.

"Just stop! I'll do it." They looked at you offended.

"You need to take off his clothes." You glanced at their hands. "And wash your hands, don't touch him all dirty like that. It will only infect the wound more."

"You are the hostage right now-"

"Wooyung, listen to the girl." The one next to you gritted out.

You snapped your head towards him, more worried about the wound he had sustained. Who knew which one had it worse. He must have seen you looking at his injury which prompted him to speak with you.

"I'm fine. I'll tell the captain to help me." He told you. "Please, help him."

You swallowed to keep your throat from going dry, nodding your head. The way the man spoke made everything that came out of his mouth sound like heaven. Honestly he could persuade you to do anything and you'd do it. Who knew how much someone could speak with so much sincerity.

The one who kept arguing back with you mumbled under his breath as he unlocked the cuffs that belonged to one of the officers. There was no time to really dwell on who any of these people were seeing as Mingi was still dripping blood onto the floor.

While you weren't a nurse you have seen your fair share of injuries within your family. All you had to go by was what your mother would do when treating your siblings or father.

"I need to disinfect it." You spoke, quickly grabbing the man's wrist and moving to drag him out of the room. You snatched the bed sheet from one of the other men.

"Where are you going?" You were stopped by the blue haired man, his glare harsh as you tried to reach for the door.

"I'm taking him to the bar. I need alcohol to treat his wound." You told him.

He tilted his head, as he stared you down. You had something to do and you didn't need this man to start rearing his head to show you who was the dominant one.

"If you don't move, your friend will bleed out. I need to fix his shoulder." You gritted out.

"Hongjoong," The man from the bed called. "I need your help here."

The man's glare returned to you after he acknowledged the other man. "Go with her, San."

A man with large shoulders quickly got up and opened the door for you and Mingi. You didn't bother to look at anyone else in the room, trying your hardest to keep the floor from staining more. The two men rushed with fast footsteps to keep up with you.

When you reached the lobby, you turned to the left and headed towards the bar part of the Inn. Pushing the saloon doors open, you quickly let go of Mingi and rushed to the liquor to find one that would make due.

You found a pair of scissors in a draw before turning around. Swishing around a half empty bottle of yellow liquid, you returned back to the men.

"I need to remove your clothes." You told Mingi.

He flinched as you touched his shoulder rather aggressively to remove the coat he was wearing. You rolled your eyes at the layers he had on, wondering how anything was even able to penetrate with that much fabric.
The wound wasn't anything of major magnitude. It looked more like a large cut but from what you could tell it was probably a bullet wound that had grazed him enough.

"Bite this." You moved part of his coat into his mouth.

The man only looked at you incredulously as his eyebrows raised in question. You then turned to the sharp-eyed man. "Hold him down."

Mingi let out a squeak as he wanted to question what you meant. However he didn't get the chance to before you quickly poured the drink to wash out any dirt that might have stuck to his wound. You placed your hand on his mouth when he started to thrash and groan, the other placing a rag on the wound to press down on it.

"You're fine." You told him. You used the scissors to cut up the sheet before moving back to Mingi as he sat up.

You began to wrap the fabric around his shoulder and under his arm, trying your best to wrap it around his chest that was covered only by a vest. When you reached the end, you tied a knot before turning to San.

"I need you to tighten this." The man didn't question you, following your orders.

As you moved to the side, your eyes scanned around the room to make sure there was no one else with them. Just as you were going to turn back to the men, your eyes caught a paper placed next to the saloon doors that lead outside.

Your breath got caught in your throat as you looked at the wanted poster. You didn't make a sound and tried to relax your shoulders before any of them were to notice your revelation. Glancing at the pink haired man and back to the poster, you decided to move around the men, turning with your back to the door.

Mingi looked up at your movement, following your body as you faced him. His eyes focused on the door behind you, jaw locking when he saw the paper next to it. With heated eyes he turned to you.

"You gonna say something?"

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