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The boys had explained to you that at the end of the day when they all got off work they would go to pick you up at your home. You didn't question it, choosing to take the time to get out of your work stench. You had no idea where it was they were going to take you but you felt much more refreshed after taking a bath.

Your mother had looked at you oddly when you had chosen to bring in buckets of water into the basin from the well. She didn't question you just yet, instead choosing to watch you closely. It was when there was a knock on the door that your mother came to a conclusion.

"Good evening." Yeosang's voice rang out through the house. "I'm here for (Y/N)."

"Oh!" Your mother looked at him oddly. "Yeosang? You're taking (Y/N) out-"

"I'm right here." You crawled under your mother's arms, standing next to Yeosang on the porch. "Yes, we are going to the auctions." You smiled at her.

"Oh, you and Seonghwa?" Your father turned up behind your mother, raising a brow when he noticed the other boy standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Yes sir. I do hope it's not a problem." Seonghwa answered from where he was.

"Not at all." Your father shook his head. "I do expect her to be home at a reasonable time though. As much as I like you I still have to be a father." He chuckled.

You almost frowned at the thought of your parents just letting you fend for yourself. While you were happy to be going out with the boys it did feel like a ping in your chest to realize that your parents were hopeful about you leaving the house.

You were an adult, you were meant to be out of this house by that point. However, you guessed it had to do with the fact that you felt like you weren't ready. At least two weeks ago you did.

"That is no problem. I'll be sure to have her home before things get too bad." Yeosang politely nodded his head.

"Be careful, dear." Your mother gave you a bright smile, hugging you.

"Bye mom." You hugged her back.

You waved to your father, turning to catch Yeosang holding his arm out for you to take. You gladly hooked your hand on his bicep, letting him lead you down to where Seonghwa was. Subconsciously, when the man went to follow after you two, you hooked your other hand onto his bicep as well. The two men had smiles over their features at how attached you felt towards them.

You noticed two horses waiting at the posts your house had. While vehicles were a thing now, they were much too expensive for your family. Wagons were easy to come by but when it was just two/three people why have to lug such a huge thing around. It was much easier to travel by horse for the three of you.

Yeosang helped you up onto one of the animals, allowing you to sit sideways due to the dress you wore. When he felt you wouldn't slip off on your own, he hauled his feet over the side of the large animal and scooted closer to the front of the saddle to give you room behind him.

"All good?" He questioned over his shoulder.

You hummed, wrapping your arms around his torso to keep from falling backwards or forwards. It wasn't a common thing to see women wearing pants. And because of that it wasn't often they would be riding horses. The ones who did were led by their husbands or were just for show in a parade. You hadn't really thought about how tough it was to move around in a skirt. It was how you lived and worked.

The two men started moving along the road, heading towards the hotel. You tilted your head, frowning when you began to wonder where it was they were going. As they turned onto the main road, you finally voiced your curiosity.

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