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You had no idea where it was you were going so late at night, but by the time you knew it you were standing in the alleyway where you had first come across the boys. You knew your older brother had the night shift that day and you didn't want to pass by him, so you figured going through the window was the best thing.

The lights to their room were on, which let you know they were still awake. You looked down, sighing to yourself as you began to get anxious from bothering them. However, you really needed someone to comfort you, and they were the first people you had in mind.

It made you smile bitterly as you thought about how right your parents must have seemed to want more than one man to comfort you. But you didn't want to think of that. All you wanted was for one of them to hug you. So you tapped on the window.

As soon as Yunho opened the door, he looked at you in worry. Meeting his eyes, tears began to gather once more. You started to sniffle, quickly pulling yourself through the window as Yunho moved to get you inside. You allowed yourself to fall into his chest once you made it into the room, hugging him tightly as you silently sobbed.

"Hey, Honey." Yeosang whispered as grew closer to you two. He began to massage your scalp, trying to sooth you. "What's wrong?"

Yunho pulled you away from the window, moving to sit down on the bed. Jongho sat up from the other bed, the same worried expression on his face. You moved to Yunho's side, placing your head in your hands as you harshly wiped away your tears. The anger you felt over the whole thing came back.

"The whole town thinks I'm a scarlet lady!" You cried. "The sheriff told my parents about the made up affair I had with Yunho and now they are starting to believe those lies." You sniffled again, looking at them as your lips trembled.

"Hey-Hey." Yunho moved to crouch in front of you, his fingers wiping your cheeks. "You are not those people."

You huffed in a breath, trying to talk without breaking down. "I know I'm not, but it hurts to know my parents think I am." You frowned.

"People just have a hard time understanding others." Yeosang moved to sit next to you, his shoulder touching you for comfort without getting into your space.

"They're my parents, Yeosang." You stood up, softly moving around Yunho. "I know they're gonna think differently of me, but it pains me to know that they would rather believe some town gossip." Your voice grew smaller.

"And yeah, maybe I have been spending too much time with you guys-"

"So you're gonna leave?" Your head snapped towards Jongho who's shoulders were sagged and his jaw was tight.

He didn't allow you to finish whatever it was you were going to say, but he felt like he knew where it was you were going to go. It was always the same when they came across someone who could be a potential friend. Potential lover–at least for him.

He could see that the others must think of you in the same way. He saw all the glances the boys would take when looking at you. It was usually when you were doing something out of pocket, like arguing with Wooyoung or sneering at something one of them did.

You weren't like other women who tried to follow everything a man would say. You always had something to say that left them all laughing. Even if they were to come across someone like you, they would never allow anything to go that far because they were criminals. No one ever gave them the chance to explain themselves and if they did, who would want to be on the run forever.

"What?" You frowned at him.

"You're gonna make us leave?" Jongho slowly stood up, looking at you with an intense look. "Stop coming to see us? We understand why you would want to-"

"I would never leave you guys for something as stupid as gossip." You told him a bit too harshly. "My business is my business. I'm not gonna fall for their stupid game of charades."

"Why wouldn't you?" Jongho continued. "You're a working lady who needs to find a husband who would give her what she needs."

Your heart seemed to pull at itself as you took in Jongho's words. His words stung a bit, thinking maybe he didn't see you in any way other than a woman who should be at home. He didn't peg you as the kind of person to think that way. He was always open with the way you talked about things. He even said that he liked that way you were. Why did he tell you those things now?

"And what do I need?" You asked him. "I have it here. At the hotel." You glanced around, playing with your fingers as you looked up at all of them. "With-With you guys." You whispered.

"I don't want to find a man who will stick me in a house to take care of kids. I don't want to be forced to change because someone wants me to." You looked at Jongho who couldn't meet your eyes. "I want to be free."

Jongho's lips trembled at your words. He was quick to turn around to avoid looking at you.

There would always be a part of Jongho who hoped to live the life that was so commonly found here. Fall in love with a woman, get married and live on a farm with the right amount of animals. He would work for his family and provide for them. His wife would be waiting for him every day with dinner and kisses.

But this was the life he knew was meant for him. It wasn't that he resented it, it was what took him out of his depression way back when. He would never give up what he had with the boys to live that kind of dream life. But it will still be a dream that was hidden deep within his mind. It might have been small, but Jongho knew there were better things for others than the life of a criminal.

"Jongho." Your voice brought him out of his stupor. However, he chose to ignore you and went to enter the bathroom.

Your shoulders dropped as you watched his retreating back. Yeosang and Yunho glanced at each other, sighing.

The youngest had always been the one who looked like he didn't enjoy the life they led. He has expressed multiple times that wasn't the case and that he was happy to have met them all. However, it was clear Jongho wanted certain things in life that were not available to them. They knew the boy had grown attached to you.

"How about we go back to the rest of the guys?" Yeosang called out, smiling softly at you. "You'll feel better."

You turned to the tall man, frowning. "But it's late. It'll take us hours to get there."

"Did you stop trusting us?" Yunho laughed. "We're bandits, Angel. We know what we're doing."

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