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Seonghwa was sitting in a chair next to where you slept, clinging to Mingi. The two were talking quietly about what had happened. Seonghwa had placed his head in his hands as he scolded himself for letting you take the trash out alone. He should have remembered there were people out there who were killing. It was not the right time for you to go out alone.

Mingi had assured his friend that it wasn't his fault. There was only so much he could give, knowing the only way for him to get rid of the guilt was for you to wake up and tell him yourself. Mingi was only glad to have found you before things got worse. He was making his way to the hotel to speak to Jongho and Yunho.

He saw the girl run out of the alleyway, wondering what it was that had been happening to have her look so disheveled. When he heard shouts coming from the alley, he was quick to make his way over. When he saw your face from afar, he didn't think twice before taking out his gun and making quick work of killing those men. He also didn't want to hear any excuse the one on top of you had. Mingi knew he wasn't about to let any man who dared to hurt women go. Especially not when it was you.

The two men suddenly became alert when rustling could be heard from the window. They glanced at each other before Seonghwa slowly crept closer. When Mingi noticed the man's shoulders drop, he relaxed next to you, letting his fingers loosen their hold. The older man went to open the window, peaking out to speak to whoever was on the other side.

"Mingi never showed up at camp." Hongjoong's voice resounded in a loud whisper. "We got worried."

"He's here." Seonghwa told him, pulling his head back into the room.

"What is he doing here?" Wooyoung asked, looking around Hongjoong.

Seonghwa moved over, allowing the rest of his group into the room through the window. When Wooyoung stepped in after Hongjoong, he quietly gasped rushing to your side of the bed to kneel next to you.

"What happened to her?" Yeosang asked quietly as he walked over to Wooyoung. He took a seat at your feet, watching you cling onto Mingi.

"She was attacked." Seonghwa sighed. "Mingi stepped in before it got worse."

"Is that what the others are taking care of?" Hongjoong crossed his arms, jaw ticking.

Seonghwa gave him a nod. The group were skeptical about moving closer to the hotel but seeing a large group down the street they started to panic that one of their own had gotten caught. Seeing Mingi with you and Seonghwa, calmed the man's nerves but now he was worried about what Yunho and Jongho would come back to say.

"Can you get up? You can't be here when her family shows up." Hongjoong told Mingi.

"Every time I try she starts to shiver." The man said, moving from your hold. You began to whimper, clenching onto Mingi tighter to keep him from moving. The pink haired man sighed deeply, looking over to Hongjoong.

"Seonghwa, lay down behind her." The man told his friend.

Moving over towards the other side of you, he scooted over until he was able to wrap his arms around your waist. When he felt you relax, Mingi moved your hand off him and placed them near Seonghwa's. They all held their breaths, waiting to see if you would start up again. But seeing how your breathing returned to normal, they realized their captain's plan worked.

"We'll speak on this later." The blue haired man looked at everyone. "The rest of us need to find another spot to hide just in case." The four who had been living in the woods looked at each other skeptical but ultimately knew it was best.

"We'll come back to tell you once everything dies down." Hongjoong explained. Before he turned to head out the window, he took one last glance at you and Seonghwa on the bed. "Take care of her." He said, looking at Yeosang as well.

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