Chapter 35: a day out with cherri bomb

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It was April, it has been about a year since the hotel originally landed in Hawaii, and there was a good amount of fun times to reminisce about.
Currently, max and the others were doing some sharing time as part of a rehabilitation exercise, with the thing he was sharing being a video of George Carlin's comedy sketch about stuff. Needless to say, the sketch ended up being very funny and they all had a laugh at what was being said.
"So, what do you think?" Asked max as the video ended.
"It's pretty funny, I'll tell you that." Said angel dust, who laughed his ass off when the video was playing.
"I liked it, he said some stuff that was pretty interesting." Said Charlie, who also enjoyed the sketch.
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Said max, happy that the others liked what he shared.
Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion outside the door to the hell isles, which caused max to check out what all the commotion was about.
"What the hell's going on out there?" Exclaimed max, opening the door to find the commotion.
When max opened the door to the hell isles, he saw Angel dust's friend Cherri bomb at the entrance, with the smoke from explosions near the door, as if she tried to blow open the door to have a dramatic entrance.
"I assume you wanted to try and do something cool and it backfired. But Since you're friends with Angel dust, you are welcome to come inside." Said max.
"Thanks, I wanna know what he's doing right now." Said Cherri bomb.
And so, max let Cherri bomb inside the hotel, and she went and made herself known.
"Wassup hoes?" Exclaimed Cherri bomb, much to angel dust's surprise.
Cherri bomb went over to where Angel dust was and greeted him with a fist bump, which he returned, and they each seemed to be happy to see each other.
"What brings you here, Cherri?" Asked Angel dust, glad to see his friend.
"Wanted to see what you were doing and how they're treating you." Said Cherri bomb.
"Well, they actually managed to free me from my asshole ex boss." Said angel dust, referring to when Charlie destroyed Valentino's soul contract.
"Holy shit, that is amazing! Thank you so fucking much." Exclaimed Cherri bomb, happy for angel dust's newfound freedom.
"Thanks, I also got to kick him in the balls because he actually kidnapped me." Said max.
That made Cherri bomb gain a look of empathy when max mentioned that Valentino had kidnapped him, but she also found it funny that he was easily taken down with a kick in the balls.
"Kicking him in the balls is the perfect thing for that moth bastard." Said Cherri bomb, giving a little smile.
After Cherri bomb had introduced herself to max, she then introduced herself to the others and asked if they had been treating Angel dust nicely.
"Don't worry sugar tits, I'm doing good right now." Said angel dust, who reassured Cherri bomb.
"That's nice, but where is this hotel at?" Asked Cherri bomb.
Max , who had overheard the conversation, went to where Angel dust and Cherri bomb were at and explained what he and everyone else had done, much to Cherri Bomb's surprise.
"Holy shit, I didn't realize that you were on Hawaii the whole time." Said Cherri bomb.
"Well, thankfully the door you went through goes from here to hell." Said angel dust.
"also, you're welcome to visit and hang out whenever you like." Said max.
Cherri bomb raised her eyebrow when max mentioned that, considering that she had nothing else to do on the hell isles besides party hard and blow stuff up, so she decided to go ahead and see what would happen.
"Fuck it, hell's nice and shit, but i wanna see what Hawaii has to offer." Said Cherri bomb, shrugging her shoulders.
"Okay, just don't blow anything up or else the police arrest us and put us in jail." Said max, giving a small warning to Cherri bomb.
And with that, max and the others took Cherri bomb to see anything in Hawaii that would interest her, which ended up not being much so they just had lunch at cronies bar and grill, where Cherri bomb had a few beers and the steak and shrimp, while max and the others each had burgers and fries from the menu.
"So, what did you think of Hawaii?" Asked max, who was having a burger.
"It's fine, there was some good shit I liked." Said Cherri bomb, finishing her last beer.
"That's nice, at least you got to find stuff you like." Said max.
"Yeah, there's some stuff I liked that Hawaii has that hell doesn't." Said Cherri Bomb.
"Well, you can come back anytime you want to." Said max.
"That's nice, as long as I get to hang out with Angie." Said Cherri bomb, using her nickname for angel dust.
And so, max and the others paid for the meal, drove back to the hotel, where Cherri bomb went back to the hell isles through the door after goodbye to angel dust, and max had a thought that was in the back of his mind for a while that he decided to ask Angel dust.
"So, what should we do if Valentino comes here to fight us?" Asked max.
"Valentino won't deal with us since he already got beaten by us twice so it won't be worth it." Said angel dust, who was sure that his ex boss wouldn't try to do anything funny to them.
"Okay, but it's best to make sure that never happens." Said max.
And so, max and the others decided to make sure that the door to the hell isles was completely Valentino proof and making a little list of people that never would be accepted at the Hazbin Hotel, with Valentino at the very top of the list, and when the Valentino proofing was done, they all rested after the day's events and decided to try something new and watch the 1981 animated anthology movie heavy metal, which was an interesting experience to watch, and when the movie was done max went to bed having really enjoyed heavy metal.
End of chapter music:

(And this chapter is now complete. I hope that you liked this introduction to Cherri bomb. Feel free to comment your opinion on this chapter. I did see the movie heavy metal and found it a very good watch. I wrote an Indiana jones story that you might like.
Until next time,

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