Chapter 13: barbie wire and blitzø's reunion

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It's a new day, and max was hanging around the hotel as there currently wasn't much going on as of late.
However, that was soon interrupted by the noise of something falling over and the voice of a girl yelling "FUCK!" In frustration.
That caused max, Charlie, and vaggie, to stop whatever they were doing and rush up to the second floor, where the noise seemed to come from.
"Must've came from this floor" Said max warily.
Cautiously, the trio walked down the hallway of the hotel's second floor to room 237.
Max pressed his ear up to the hotel door and heard the sound of frustration and stuff moving
Slowly but surely, max opened the door with Charlie and vaggie following closely behind, and when they were in the main hotel room, they saw Barbie wire frantically trying to put different pictures back on a bulletin board that had fallen over and just got propped back up.
"So that's what the noise was about." Said max.
"I guess so," said vaggie, "but who is she?"
Barbie wire turns around and shrugs her shoulders.
"Ah shit," said Barbie wire, " I knew I'd get caught sooner or later."
Barbie wire then sticks a last picture on the bulletin board with a thumbtack.
"To answer your question, my name is Barbie wire."
Said Barbie wire.
When Barbie wire said her name, max snapped his fingers in realization and said " oh! You're blitzø's sister."
"The very same." Said Barbie wire, "how did you know me and my brother were related?"
"The Internet" Said max bluntly, "how does it feel knowing you're from a web toon?"
Barbie wire then paused for a second, thinking for an answer, before admitting "kinda freaky, but what the fuck can you do?" She said while shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh, uh, okay." Stammered max, "what are you doing in Hawaii?"
Max pretty much answered his own question when he saw the bulletin board, and on it, was a bunch of photos of blitzø and barbie wire from a simpler time, which caused max to draw to his own conclusion.
"You want to see blitzø, don't you?" Asked max.
"Fuckin' A." Said Barbie wire.
"How come?" Asked max, clearly asking for a reason.
"Well," said Barbie wire, " I saw the web toon where I was from, specifically that 'unhappy campers' episode, and it caused me to give me something to reflect because of how much of a bitch I was in that episode, it also gave me a chance to look at myself in a way and figure a way to fix things."
When Barbie wire explained that, max got empathetic to why barbie wire wanted to see blitzø again, and wanted to help her out, because he's that nice.
"All in favor of helping barbie wire, say aye" said max to vaggie and Charlie.
"Aye" replied Charlie and vaggie almost simultaneously.
"Opposed?" Asked max, only to hear silence.
"Alrighty then," said max, channeling Jim Carrey, "let's bring these two back together for a good ol' reunion!"
And with that, they all went out of room 237 to the lobby, went out of the hotel, and went into the car, with Charlie in the driver's seat.
During the car ride to the i.m.p office, max had a major question that was in his head.
"So Charlie, where's your dad been?" Asked max, as Lucifer wasn't around when they went to coconut island.
"Oh, dad went to his house to check on mom, she must've been worried about us." Said Charlie.
(A/N: and that's why Lucifer wasn't in chapter 12.)
"Okay," said max, "that's neat to know."
Max then decides to play a song by rush on the car speakers.
The rush song max played:

It wasn't until long when they finally made it to the i.m.p office, where they went all the way to the seventh floor, where they saw a paper taped to the door that said "meeting in progress" on it.
"Well shit," said max, " I guess we'll have to wait."
"Fuck that!" Barbie wire exclaimed, "I'm kicking this damn door Down!"
And in an instant, barbie wire kicked the door down, knocking it off from its hinges.
"What the fuck!" Said blitzø, " I now have to replace that door!"
Blitzø's rage almost immediately subsided when he saw who kicked the door down.
"Barb, is that you?" Asked blitzø, who rubbed his eyes to check if he was hallucinating.
"Yes it is, Blitzø." Said Barbie wire, confirming blitzø's suspicions.
And then, blitzø immediately hugged barbie wire in a mad embrace, tears rolling down his face, and max and the others were watching the scene unfold around them like it was a movie.
"Sir, what is going on?" Asked moxxie, confused as all hell.
"Oh, right, forgot we were in a meeting." Said blitzø, "the meeting's over."
And with that, everyone left the meeting room and were in the common area of I.m.p, where blitzø was explaining about his sister.
"To answer your question, mox, this is my twin sister, Barbie wire." Said blitzø.
"I didn't know you had a sister." Said Millie, who was sitting next to moxxie.
"Well, there is the poster of me and blitzø over there." Said Barbie wire, pointing to the poster.
Blitzø then asks "so barb, what have you been doing recently?"
Barbie wire then shrugs her shoulders and says "well, after surviving rehab, I've been doing odd jobs to pay for rent. Recently, I found a job that pays well and involves shipping pharmaceuticals. So that's my story, how about you, blitzø?"
"Well, if it wasn't fucking obvious, I was able to start an assassination business." Said blitzø.
As blitzø and Barbie wire talked to each other about their lives max had a major question to ask moxxie and Millie.
"So, considering when this all began, do you know what episodes haven't happened yet?" Asked max.
"we ended up here around after what happened at my dad's house." Said Moxxie, referring to the exes and oohs episode.
"Oh" said max, "so that's what episodes happened before this whole world merge."
Max then shrugged his shoulders, used to how his life was going.
"Oh well," said max, "I guess I'll try to balance my regular life with whatever random things that happens to me."
And then, max decided to ask Barbie wire "how are you gonna get back to your apartment? It's in the hell isles."
"Hell isles?" Asked blitzø, dumbfounded at max's Nickname for the hazbin hotel hell.
"A nickname because the world of hazbin hotel and helluva boss became islands." Said max, showing a face of awkwardness.
" that sounds fucking dumb but makes sense at the same time." Said blitzø.
Barbie wire looks on and says "to answer your question, I've got this bitching watch with an asmodean crystal in it. It's been how I do my drug deliveries."
"are they prescription drugs or that illegal crap?" Asks max
"Prescription. Anyway, I use this baby to go to wherever on earth and back. Observe." Said Barbie wire.
Barbie wire then taps on her watch, causing a portal to open up in the office.
"Oh, so that's how you got here." Said max.
Max then checked the time to notice that it was afternoon, and max was about ready to head home.
"Welp, I'm just about ready to go, so I'll let you both enjoy your reunion." Said max, who was stretching his arms.
"Yeah, it's about time we should go." Said Charlie.
And so, max, Charlie, and vaggie went back to max's house,where Charlie and vaggie went into the hotel and max went into his house.
In max's house, max was sitting on a chair looking at his phone, where he had a list of hazbin hotel and helluva boss characters that he hasn't met, having deleted Barbie wires name off the list.
"Well, I'd say that meeting Barbie wire went well." Said max to himself.
However that caused max to ponder the idea of canon divergence.
"Meh, I'll figure it out later." Said max, who went to play games.
And so, max went to play games and also be around for whatever happens to him in the future.
(And this chapter is done. Sorry for the wait times, I've been busy with high school and stuff at home. If you liked this, feel free to comment. I chose rush for the song because I really like rush. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I am aware the room Barbie wire was in is also the room from the shining.
Until next time,

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