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My heart raced. It beat rapidly, and I felt cold, goosebumps rising on my skin as my thoughts became disordered the moment I saw him on the screen.

 Riko screamed in concern, holding her head. 

"Monsters and many unknown entities are breaching the barrier!"

 Gojo, Utahime, Geto, and I leaped into action. My mouth hung open in shock. 

I yelled out of fear and concern, "We need to cancel the competition immediately!"

 Mei Mei sighed irritably. 

"My crows were destroyed, and so were the speakers."

 I bit my lip out of fear for the students and how far Toji would go to seek revenge.

 "Damn it."

He would not harm the students, would he?

 Suddenly, I felt a familiar presence. 


 I turned frantically to the group.

 "The girl from before has appeared. I'll take care of her!" 

Gojo reached out his hand, "Wait-!"

 But I had already teleported away. Riko suddenly appeared next to me. I turned to her in shock.

 "Why are you here?!"

 She raised her hands and activated her barrier power.

 "I need to maintain the barrier here; most of the monsters are coming from here!"

 The girl in front of me reappeared. She emerged from the bushes with a broad grin. 

"So, we meet again."

 I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"I'm going to kill you." 

My hands clenched into fists with anger, and I gritted my teeth at the memory of Megumi. I assumed a fighting stance. The hatred poured out of me. 

If she's here, then that guy must be here too! But what is Toji doing with them? 

She cupped her face in her hands, feigning innocence. 

"But, but, the girl you want to kill has a name!"

 She spread her hand, and I knew she was going to attack Riko, but I stepped in front of her and froze it.

 She continued, "N-i-c-o-l." 

She rolled her name off her tongue with satisfaction. I scoffed and grabbed the thread I had frozen, and her eyes widened. I pulled on it, forcing her towards me. She realized what I was doing and released herself from the thread. Suddenly, thousands of threads appeared around her, enveloping every part of her

"You're not the only one who can protect your body

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"You're not the only one who can protect your body." 

I formed a layer of ice on my skin and on Riko's body, calling out to her behind me, "Be careful!"

 She nodded, and I attacked Nicol directly. She spread her arms wide, as if welcoming me. I swung with the ice spear, but I remembered what happened last time with Megumi! I dissolved it just before I reached her.

 She laughed mockingly, "What's wrong, traumatized?" 

I hissed and kicked her in the stomach, sending her back, but she quickly got up again. A few monsters approached us, but it was dangerous for Riko, and I had to intervene. I pierced the monster's body through my leg from the ground. 

She took advantage and fired an explosion at me, sending me flying, but the damage was reduced by the ice layer.

My hair fell over my face as I pondered how to end this quickly to gather the students. Suddenly, my sword appeared at my hip. She looked surprised and placed a hand on her hip. I drew my sword, and my presence changed immediately, even surprising Riko. 

She released her threads like snakes towards me, and I raised my sword to my face, assuming a fighting stance, pointing the tip in her direction. With a speed blitz step, I was in front of her, slicing through all the threads she was using to attack me. 

She looked shocked, her eyes widening at my speed as she couldn't even react before I stabbed her through the chest with my sword. Her eyes widened with fear and surprise, her arms by her side, blood flowing from her mouth, her color slowly draining from her face due to the blood loss pouring from her chest.

 I heard Riko flinch in fear at the sight. I remembered Megumi. I bit my lip at the memories.

 I'm so sorry, Megumi.

She spoke weakly and painfully, "It's... too late... Toji... is... one... of... us..." 

She spat blood and fell to her knees, my sword still in her chest. Suddenly, she grinned and looked at me with that same look as before! 

I quickly turned to Riko, but she was safe

 "Domain Expansion: Threads of Death..." she said with her last strength, and her domain spread around both of us.

I looked around in shock. The ground beneath me turned into a spiderweb. I tried to move, but my feet were stuck. I swung my sword forcefully out of her chest. Her face contorted in pain, and she fell to the ground on her stomach as the domain collapsed upon her death. 

I turned to Riko in concern and saw Toji with his cursed tool through her heart. She looked at me with fear, her lips trembling, reaching out her hand towards me.

 Blood flowed from her mouth, "Mi... Miura..." before she fell to the ground. 

My sword fell from my hand

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My sword fell from my hand.

No please

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