Thirty Five

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About twenty minutes later we're sitting in the kitchen sipping on whiskey. "Have you made it a habit of showing up at my front door at unholy hours of the night?" I ask him, glass half way to my mouth and I stare at him through it. He gives me a sheepish smile, I can't help but smile back. "Guess I like spending time with you at night." My smile grows. "I'm not buying that 정인 {Jeongin}." Setting the glass down.

"Why not?" He asks tilting his head, brows furrowed. "'cause I know you like the back of my hand Innie. And I don't tell me you walked through the strom outside 'cause you missed me, we were together all day today." I lean forward, chin in my hand. "Spill. Tell me why you're really here." Smirk on my lips.

I can see an internal turmoil going on in his head. Looking down at his fingers, he answers in a small voice. "I talked to 필릭스 {Felix} tonight.... before coming here." At the mention of Felix's name, I sit up straight. "You what?" Comes out a choked question. All playfulness gone from my voice.

Jeongin can't stand Felix and when I say he 'can't' I mean he CANNOT stand him. You know, him being in love with Hyunjin and him being Hyunjin's mate and all. So Jeongin saying he talked to Felix is ...I don't know...hard to believe.

"I talked to him." He says again but he says like a question. "I get that part but why?" Imma need more alcohol in me for this. I refill my glass. "Let's just say I don't completely hate him." He says with a small smirk. I make a face, looking at him for a few seconds. "Before you say anything, we didn't fight, he's still alive. Otherwise hyung would still have had my head." True. I drink more, emptying my glass, refilling it again. "Okay, okay. Tell me what happened."

Flashback (Third person POV)

Felix walked out of the house with tears shining in his eyes. He was trying to keep them in. After he left, the whole room fell silent for a few moments. Hyunjin glaring at Changbin. Before he could speak, Chan snapped at Changbin shooting up from where he sat. "Not cool man. You can't just talk to him like that!. Did you even consider how he'd feel?"

All in all, Changbin just kept quiet, looking at the carpet that seemed to be more interesting than what Chan was saying and more important than looking at anyone else in the room. "What? Aren't you going to say anything?" When Changbin finally looked up, his face is neutral. He didn't even raise his voice when he spoke. "I'm not answerable to any of you in this room."

"Well.....Fuck this. I'm out." Seungmin also walks out. He'd been so quiet it seemed like everyone forgot he was even there. Taehyung also followed his brother out, sending daggers at Changbin. "Not only have you managed to hurt both of them, you were a dick about it too."

Hyunjin stood up, "I'm going after Lix..." He started to walk out when Jaemee stopped him. "No leave him be for now. I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to either of you right now. I'm sure he wants to be alone."

Hyunjin starts to protest, "하지만...엄마 {}." Jeongin whispered to Chan that he's leaving and slipped out the door unnoticed. (Well not really unnoticed, people weren't just paying attention to him.)

He quickly followed Felix's scent, which led him to the roof. He found Felix sitting, hugging his knees, crying silently. If Felix heard him or sensed him, he didn't react. "What do you want? Here to curse me out too? Save it cuz I've had enough for one night." His voice comes out muffled and rough.

POV switch: Jeongin

"No, I just came to talk. Can I sit?" I ask cautiously. "Do whatever." I sit next to him but not quite close. It's a little awkward for a few minutes but when I'm about to start talking when he does. "For the past five years that I've been with him, I've seen myself with nobody but Changbin. When I saw him for the first time, I was drawn to him and I've wanted nobody ever since." He sniffs, wiping his nose in his sleeve.

"Then Hyunjin happens five years later and I can't see a future without him in it. I am so conflicted I don't know what to do. I can't choose Changbin without hurting Seungmin and Hyunjin. I can't choose Hyunjin without hurting you and Changbin. I'm bound to hurt somebody no matter who I choose."

Guess he didn't need to be alone after all, he needed to vent, regardless of who the person is. I may not my not like him but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad for him. Then it just popped into my head. "Choose your fated Felix." This isn't exactly what I planned to talk about. He looked at me with red bloodshot eyes shocked and he just looked breathtaking.....fuck. I see what everyone's on about it. He's gorgeous. Don't fucking tell him I said that.

He gave me a sad smile. "What do you think will happen if I choose Hyunjin and my dad finds out? I can't risk that....I can't risk him." He surprised me. He kept thinking of others instead of his own feelings. Hyung's lucky to have him. "Sometimes you just need to say fuck it Felix." I shrugged. "For once be selfish. Put yourself first."

"What about you?"

"Me?" He nods. "Hyunjin hyung wouldn't give me the time of day even if you weren't in the picture, before you or after." I stood. "And besides, I think it's time that I focused on someone who sees me, who has always been there but I kept hurting him." I smiled as I thought of Chan hyung. "I've been selfish enough. Later dawg. Think about what I said." With that, I left the roof, went home, where I'd found Jungwon had taken my car ~ that little brat ~ it had started to rain by then.

I waited for the rain to stop for a few hours but it just got worse so I said 'fuck it' like I told Felix and just well walked through it.

I'd started heading for Chan hyung's leaving the umbrella on purpose. I may have lied when I told Chan hyung that I didn't think it'd rain. When I got there, I didn't knock right away. I heard him talking to someone and well I wanted to hear.....okay so I heard the conversation he had with his mom....but don't tell him. I didn't exactly tell him the last part. This is between you and me, okay?

(c_v: ohhh I'm snitching 🤭
I.N: Don't you fuckin dare!)

*"No that's what I...."* I hear a pause. *"Mum, Jeongin may be my mate but I can't force him to love me. Those are his feelings. I even asked him to court me and he refused. He knew he'd hurt me if he accepted. I'm happy he's oblivious to the truth."*

The news of him being my mate had me shocked! I thought he just asked me to court me for the heck of it. I had no idea. I wanted to burst in and get the truth out of him but I knew I'd cross the line and have myself caught for eavesdropping. So I stayed put.

*"Him being oblivious is causing both of you unnecessary pain."* That's true... Wise woman.

*"I know mum. But it's okay. I just want to see him happy... even if it's not with me."* His voice trails off at the end and I feel my heart squeeze in my chest. *"You're too pure for this world Christopher. I wish I could hold you, son."*

"괜찮." I had no idea Chan hyung was going though that type of pain. I was only focused on mine. For a non-existent happiness, he sacrificed so much.

Just then I knock on the door, wanting to hug him but I'm soaked. *"I gotta go mum someone's at the door, love you."*
*"Love you too Chris. Have a good night honey."*
*"Night mum."*

Even though most of it was in English, I was about to understand every word they exchanged.



Let's not rat Jeongin out okay.....🤫

Okay BYEeeeeee

Not edited

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