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"Hyunjin get off him! You'll kill him!" I heard a someone yell, though I wasn't sure who it was.
I was so far gone. His blood on my tongue felt heavenly. Something I couldn't get enough of.
"Hyunjin please you'll kill him." It was Chan this time. He pleaded.

"What the fuck have you done?" The blonde screamed weakly in my face, his hand flying to where my fangs had just sunk in. The fear I saw in his big green eyes is something I'll never forget.

"Just taking what's rightfully mine." With a growl, I stood up, I turned my back to all of them and ran as fast as could without a destination in mind. Even I couldn't believe what I had just done. For days his blood still lingered on my tongue. I still felt his soft skin on my lips. I wanted to feel it again. I had to feel it.

*End of flashback*

I'm pulled out of trance with nodge from Seungmin. "Still thinking about what happened?"

"How can I not when I'm mated freaking to a dog? And how the fuck are you still so calm when your mate is dog too?!" I fume.

"First off, a dog and a wolf are two different species. Secondly, I'm calm about this coz I didn't sink my teeth into him." He fires back hissing.

"Okay whoa, why are you mad?"

"I'm mad 'cause you caused a fight back there after you bolted!"

Well here's the thing. After I left a fight sort of broke out. Well not sort of, a fight did break out. Which resulted in Chan having a gash of a scar on his right eye. Though I must say it's a huge improvement.

 Though I must say it's a huge improvement

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Bang Chan

"It wasn't my intention to do so I'm sorry." It really wasn't. "but I couldn't resist."

"You couldn't resist? Well tell that to Chan's scar!" He yells in face.

"Will the two of you shut the fuck up?!" Jeongin suddenly yells.

"Well that was uncalled for." I mummer, wiping spit from my face.
Jeongin stops the car a few minutes later. "We're here." He kills the engine, steps out and slams the door without looking at us. Seungmin and I look at each other. We quickly get out of the car and follow him.

"Innie, is everything okay?" Through out the entire ride, he's been awfully quiet and ignoring the both of us. Well except for him snapping at us a few minutes ago. And this morning he was pissed. Did something happen?

"Yeah I'm fine." His voice cold his face void of any emotions. But then that's just who he is. "Let's just get this over with." He starts walks in the direction of the forest.

" He starts walks in the direction of the forest

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Yang Jeongin

I look at Seungmin again. "Yeah I think something is definitely wrong."
"Yeah well, we're not gonna find out by simply standing here, come on.


Not edited

You're free to murder me for the late update 😅😅

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