Chapter 37

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Third person's pov

Right now, Jungkook was being rushed on a stretcher to the examination room, his family was closely behind. Taehyung was tightly holding Jungkook's hand while running,

"Nothing wi-ill happen to you, hmm." Taehyung said while his tears were falling on Jungkook's cheeks.

The doctors swiftly whisked Jungkook away into the examination room, leaving Taehyung, Hye-joon, and Taemin standing helplessly in the hallway. Taehyung's legs gave way beneath him, and he collapsed to the floor,

Taemin immediately hugged Taehyung while crying himself. " Ap-pa eomma w-will b-be ok-kay." Taemin said trying to comfort Taehyung.

"I was sl-peeping ne-ext to him, how could I no-ot kno-ow that he w-was in pain?" Taehyung cried out, shaking his head.

Hye-joon patted Taehyung's back, "A-Ap-ppa it's no-ot your fa-ault, " She chocked out.

Taehyung just cried even harder, he couldn't believe that Jungkook was so sick and he was just sleeping beside him, how could he not have woken up earlier ?

After making Taehyung sit on the chair, Hye-joon called Yoongi and told him about Jungkook's condition.

Soon, Jungkook's family arrived at the hospital and it was clear from their faces that they were hella worried. Yoongi rushed to Taehyung's side and asked, "What happe-pned to hi-im?"

But Taehyung was overcome with guilt, his tears blurring his vision as he struggled to find the words to explain. "Sleepi-ing... blood... h-he th-hen fainted in my arms," he managed to choke out between sobs.

No one was in a state of saying anything further, they just wanted Jungkook to be okay, to be alive.

Yoongi broke down in Jimin's arms while saying, " M-My bro-othe-er, m-my jung-gkoo-okie," Jimin didn't knew how to comfort him so he just held his closer.

After hours of agonizing waiting, the doctors finally emerged from Jungkook's examination room.

" Kim Jungkook's family"

Everyone immediately rushed to them.

" How is he doctors?"

" Is my brother okay doctor?"

" When is he going to wake up?"

" What happened to him?"

The family bombarded the doctors with questions but the doctors remained silent for a few minutes.

And when the doctors spoke, everyone got frozen. Mrs. Jeon's eyes widened in shock as she heard the news, her hands trembling as she reached out for support. With a heart-wrenching cry, she collapsed to the floor,

"No, my so-on, my b-baby," she cried out on the hospital floor.

Hye-joon and Taemin stood frozen in silence, their faces pale with shock as they processed the doctor's words. Taehyung's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his whole body violently shaking.

"It ca-an't be," he mumbled,"H-He w-was just fine th-his morni-ing."

After 8 years............

In the silent bedroom, Taehyung sat alone, clutching a photograph of Jungkook and himself tightly in his hands. "I miss you so much, my love. Please come back to me." He whispered.

Just as Taehyung's tears threatened to spill, the door burst open, and Taemin, barged in with his usual energy.
He was here to talk something with Taehyung but got shocked seeing him like this, "Appa, are you crying?" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise.

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