Chapter 2

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Third person's pov

The next morning dawned with a heaviness that mirrored Jungkook's tired state. He had tossed and turned through the night, he also had a mild fever. The clock ticked relentlessly, and as 9:00 approached,

The tranquility shattered as Hye-Joon burst into the room, a storm of frustration in her wake. "Eomma! Eomma, why didn't you wake me up? Now I'm going to be late!" Her voice carried the weight of annoyance,

Startled awake, Jungkook jolted upright. He squinted at the clock, realizing he had overslept. " Hye-joon, I didn't realised that I overslept-"

But Hye-Joon was in no mood for explanations. Her frustration spilled over, and she began to shout at Jungkook, "Eomma, you never do anything right! You can't even wake up on time!"

Taehyung, also got up, his irritation evident. "What's going on here? Why are you shouting so early in the morning?"

Hye-Joon continued her tirade, "I told you to wake me up at 8:00, and now I'm late for my shift because of you!"

Jungkook, attempted to apologize. "I'm sorry, Hye-Joon. I didn't mean to oversleep. I'm not feeling well today."

His words fell on deaf ears as Hye-Joon's frustration escalated. Taehyung, growing impatient, joined in, "You have one job to do and you can't even do that right now!"

Jungkook, feeling a pang of hurt and a surge of weakness, managed to utter, "I'll quickly iron your clothes and make breakfast."

Taehyung, dismissive and angry, retorted, "No need. Just keep sleeping. We can handle it ourselves." Without waiting for a response, he stormed off to the bathroom, his frustration evident in every step.

Hye-Joon, still seething, also went to the bathroom leaving Jungkook alone in the room. Jungkook, feeling the weight of his own fatigue, sank back onto the bed.

As Taehyung and Hye-Joon got ready in tense silence, Jungkook mustered the energy to get up. The room felt colder, and the silence seemed to echo with the emotional distance that had grown over time.

He stumbled towards the laundry room,

The sound of the iron hissing against the fabric echoed through the house as Jungkook mechanically pressed Taehyung's and Hye-Joon's clothes.

In the kitchen, Jungkook prepared a simple breakfast, the aroma of toast and eggs filling the air.

As Taehyung and Hye-Joon emerged from their respective rooms, the tension in the air was palpable. Jungkook tried to offer a weak smile, but it went unnoticed.

Hye-Joon, still harboring resentment, grabbed her bag and headed for the door. "I'll grab something on the way. I don't want your breakfast."

Taehyung, his annoyance lingering, followed suit. "We can handle ourselves, Jungkook. No need for your help." And with that, the door closed, leaving Jungkook alone with his thoughts.

He sank onto the sofa, the exhaustion casting a haze over his senses. Pouring himself a glass of water, he tried to calm his breathing.

After a while, the quiet of the house was disturbed once again by Taemin stumbling into the living room, his disheveled appearance reflecting his groggy state. He glanced at Jungkook with a scowl. "Why didn't you wake me up for college Eomma?"

Jungkook, replied weakly, "I'm not feeling well today. I overslept and forgot to wake you up."

Taemin rolled his eyes dismissively, "You can't do anything right." He grabbed his bag, making it clear that he had no intention of accepting any explanations.

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