Chapter 14

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Third person's pov

Flashback ended......

As Taemin continued to cry, his sobs growing louder with each passing moment, Jungkook gently cupped his face, his touch tender and reassuring. "Taemin, look at me," he urged softly,

Reluctantly, Taemin lifted his gaze to meet Jungkook's, his eyes red and swollen with tears. "You are not a loser at all," Jungkook reiterated, "You are brave, beautiful and loved."

Jungkook pulled him into another tight embrace, his arms offering comfort and solace. "It's okay to cry, Minnie," he whispered, his voice laced with empathy. "Let it all out, and know that I'm here for you."

As Taemin buried his face in Jungkook's chest once more, his tears soaking through the fabric of his shirt, Jungkook held him close, his heart heavy. With each gentle stroke of his hand and whispered word of reassurance, he hoped to ease Taemin's pain, if only for a moment.

As the tears began to ebb and Taemin's sobs subsided, Jungkook gently pulled back, his eyes searching Taemin's for any sign of relief. "Feeling a little better?" he asked softly, his voice filled with tenderness.

Taemin nodded slowly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Y-Yeah," he murmured, his voice hoarse from crying.

After handing Taemin the tissues, Jungkook quietly left the room. He hurried to the kitchen, brewing two mugs of coffee.

Ten minutes later, Jungkook returned to Taemin's room, balancing the steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. He handed one to Taemin and took a seat beside him on the bed.

"Let's go sit in the balcony," Jungkook said gently, seeing the tense lines on Taemin's face. Taemin nodded silently,

They settled into chairs on the balcony, the cool evening breeze offering some relief from the heavy emotions inside.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taemin,

"Taemin, now listen carefully to what I'm saying," Jungkook began, his tone serious, Taemin turned to look at him,

Jungkook placed their coffee mugs on the small table between them, then took Taemin's hand in his own. "You have to stand up for yourself, no matter what situation you find yourself in," he said firmly,

"Me and your appa won't always be with you," Jungkook continued, his voice softening with emotion. "One day, we'll have to leave you to face the world on your own."

Taemin's eyes filled with tears again, "Don't s-say that, Eomma," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jungkook's heart clenched at Taemin's words, his own fears echoing in his mind.

"I know it's scary, Taemin," Jungkook said gently, tightening his grip on Taemin's hand. "But you're stronger than you think. And no matter what happens, you'll always have us in your heart."

Taemin leaned into Jungkook's embrace, "I'll try, E-Eomma," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'll try to be bra-ave."

Jungkook started gently rubbing his back,

After some time, Jungkook said, "Tomorrow, I will come to pick you up, hmm?" Taemin nodded,

A while later, Jungkook noticed the chill in the air and suggested, "Let's go inside. It's getting colder now." Taemin agreed, and they both made their way back into the room.

Jungkook carefully tucked Taemin into bed, making sure he was comfortable. Taemin reached out and held Jungkook's hand, softly saying, "Sleep with me, Eomma."

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